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Webster’s defines coincidence as “the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection.”  The soothsayers in the media want us to believe that coincidence is the foundation of things that happened on Saturday, July 13th in Butler Pennsylvania.

Let’s start with the fact that PDJT was supposed to speak at 5:00 PM.  Trump did not actually start to speak until around 6:00 PM.  Thomas Crooks clearly planned to do what he did.  To anyone with a lick of common sense, Crooks had to be wandering around the venue for quite a while.  What was he doing during this period of time?  Where was the rifle during this period of time?

Let’s look at the security perimeter for this event at this venue.

Why was the pie wedge cut out of the Secret Service Security Bubble?  Who made this decision?  Let’s be reminded that anyone inside the bubble had to go through a magnetometer screening to be there.

Then there is the fact that Blackrock used Thomas Crooks in one of their PR ads.  That’s right.  One of the largest investment firms on the planet has Crooks in a PR ad.  Blackrock controls literally trillions in assets.  Blackrock executives are literally in the Biden White House “guiding” policy.  (Think Donilon Family).  Are there other connections between Blackrock and this horrible event?

There have been multiple reports Crooks acting suspiciously at least 30 minutes before his attempt at assassination.  Acting suspiciously had to include that he was using a range finder.  This was radioed to a command post.  Why were these reports ignored?

Sundance notes:

The sense of something sketchy increased exponentially with all the subsequent updates about the police backing down from the roof when the assassin pointed his gun at them. Especially when considering the lack of Secret Service removing President Trump from the known kill box, and the crowd yelling at law enforcement while Crooks was getting into position, a mere 400 feet from Trump.

It is SOP to control all elevated positions.  The director of the Secret Service stated it was “too risky” to put agents on the roof because of the steepness of the roof.  This is from where Crooks fired his rounds.  However, police snipers where on a roof behind PDJT with a similar steepness.

One roofer noted:

I used to work on roofs for a living. I still get on them on occasion. As roof slopes go, this is one of the safest you’ll ever come across. It’s almost flat!
And structurally, I would not be surprised if code dictates the roof be calculated to handle a load of snow.
Biggest bunch of crap I’ve ever seen. Every excuse is being flushed down the drain.

Let’s suppose for a moment that this “too risky” explanation actually has some merit.  Why wasn’t access to the roof taken away?  If that wasn’t practical, how have such situations been handled in the past?  It is routine procedure to bring in dump trucks, cranes, tractor trailers, banners to close off line-of-sight access.  Why wasn’t that done this time?

According to multiple sources, this rally was being televised live by CNN.  Of course, all such rallies have TV coverage.  However, such coverage is limited to providing short clips for nightly newscasts.  Was CNN tipped off that something major might happen?

Almost immediately the line coming out of our vaunted national intelligence and law enforcement agencies was that this was the work of a lone gunman with no affiliations with anyone else.  When this line was being parroted around Big Media, the FBI had not yet gotten into Crooks’ phone.  So, how did they know this?

I recall a lone gunman assassination story from 60 years ago.  The story about Lee Harvey Oswald being the lone wolf who killed JFK was a lie.  There were at least two shooters and more likely three.  Are they going to try to sell us another such lie?

So, was all of this just coincidence?  Or was something more sinister going on?  The administration’s lies are being outpaced.  Cheatles’ explanations in her own answers contradict themselves. And no one believes a wimpy kid with mental issues pulled this off by himself.

Things changed on Saturday. It’s only a matter of how long can the legacy media and the Uniparty types can keep the flood gates closed.

A mural of PDJT has appeared in the Englewood district in Chicago.  This has to scare the living bejeezus out of the Deep State.

PDJT just got more street cred.

Did the Deep State try to take out PDJT?  What role did the CIA play in all of this?

You be the judge.