Odds & Ends

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The Supreme Court has told Biden that he cannot, is not allowed to unilaterally cancel student loan debt.  However, the Democrats and Biden believe that this is one of the few ways they have left of getting some votes for senile Joe.  That is, they will buy those votes.

A federal appeals court on Thursday blocked President Joe Biden’s administration from continuing to implement a new student debt relief plan designed to lower monthly payments for millions of Americans.

The St. Louis-based 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals granted a request to put on hold parts of the U.S. Department of Education’s debt relief plan that had not already been blocked by a lower-court judge.

That ruling last month by U.S. District Judge John Ross in St. Louis had blocked the granting of further loan forgiveness under the administration’s Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan but had not blocked all of the plan.

Biden’s illegal student debt transfer plan has cost over $3,000 per household in America so far.  Why are Americans being made to take over the debts they never took on?

The administration has been sending emails to people with student loans quite aggressively.  These emails make it clear that the only thing standing in the way of the SAVE plan is the evil of Republicans.  Isn’t this a violation of some federal statute?

The pressure on Biden to step away from the presidential campaign and let someone else be the nominee is increasing.  The fact that Biden has not already capitulated to this pressure is probably due to the long history of Biden in Washington and his knowledge of whatever skeletons people may have in their closets.

Multiple recent reports have indicated that Biden may step away and allow the party chiefs to select a new candidate.  Of course, this eliminates the party faithful from having any say in the outcome even if it is an “open convention.”

Biden’s campaign chief went on Morning Joe to dispute the rumor that Biden would step away from campaigning.  Morning Joe has been allowed back on the air after they recovered from the attempted assassination of PDJT.

Let’s be reminded that there is nearly a quarter of a billion dollars in campaign funds that Joe Biden controls.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) claims whistleblowers said that most of former President Donald Trump’s Saturday security detail did not belong to the Secret Service.

So the day someone attempted to kill Trump and killed one person and injured two others, most of the security detail weren’t Secret Service?

How much worse will this get?

Don Surber notes:

I won’t call this a struggle between good and evil. I mean, it is, but I won’t call it that. This is a battle between those who believe they are entitled to prominence and power, and those who earn it.

An odd news item illustrates this.

Newsweek reported, “According to data provided by Donald J. Trump For President 2024 — the official campaign aimed at supporting the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s reelection bid — the campaign spent over $36,780 in the period in 113 transactions in chains including Chick Fil-A, Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts.

“Meanwhile, President Joe Biden‘s official campaign, Biden For President, spent more than $32,100 on food and drinks in 17 transactions in June. His campaign patronized steakhouses and independent BBQ restaurants including Asadero, Tonic Seafood and Steak and Dragon Pit rather than fast food chains.”

That worked out to $325 per transaction for Trump and $1,888 per transaction for Biden. This is campaign money, which comes from other people. 

Lunch Pail Joe eats “American Wagyu beef cooked over mesquite wood” while the out-of-touch billionaire has a Big Mac. This race is, like the last two presidential elections were, between the entitled and the earner. 

Democrats spend like they are trust fund babies. The whole student loan program is built on that. The student loans are not limited to tuition and books but include room and board, along with travel to study abroad.

Trump spends like a man who has to meet payroll.

Trump took a bullet for us on Saturday. Jesus made sure it wasn’t fatal. We have to make sure the divine intervention was not in futility.


Austin Private Wealth is being investigated for shorting Truth Social in the stock market last week right before the assassination attempt.  How many shares you ask?   12 million.  They claim it was a filing error.  Major investors include the Bush family, Romney, Cheney and other elite RINOs.  Nothing to see here, right?

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