The Coup

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The Democrats attempt at a coup within their own party bore fruit on Sunday.  Joe Biden, the candidate that garnered the most votes by far during the primaries, threw in the towel.  The announcement was made via a letter posted to X.  Some have suggested that Biden did not actually post it, that it was posted by someone else to make his withdrawal a fiat accompli.  There could be some truth to this as most of his staff was caught unawares.

However, this is largely irrelevant.  The Democratic elite (think Obama, Pelosi, Schumer) got what they wanted.  This helps the Democrats revert to the original plan that was put into place during the 2020 election.  Joe Biden would be a one-term President who would be blamed for any detrimental things that happened to the country.  Mistakes were made and all that BS.  In the meantime, those elite pols would be consolidating power over the country.

Did Joe Biden know this?  It’s hard to estimate just how cognizant Biden is.  However, there is no doubt that Hunter and Jill would have been aware.  And Biden did not survive in Washington for 50 years without being a good judge of how the political winds were blowing.

William Sullivan notes:

Biden’s brain may be turning to mush, but I’d wager there’s enough of the former slippery tactician left in there to know that the Democrat establishment is also conspiring to replace him with someone other than Kamala Harris. And Biden just made that incredibly difficult for them.

Harris is an incredibly unlikeable politician.  This is true among her own party.  Her presidential campaign in 2020 never garnered more than 1% support of the voters.  Harris did not win a single primary delegate in 2020 or in 2024.  Yet Harris could wind up as the presidential nominee.

Harris is nothing more than a cackling fraud who would never be taken seriously as President.  And this is probably why she was selected for VP, as an insurance policy for the Biden presidency.

This being the case, why did Biden emphatically endorse Harris?

“My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year.”

Sullivan notes:

Biden and Harris have long been adversaries, so it’s difficult to imagine that Biden would genuinely endorse her so emphatically, and it would be even more difficult to imagine that Joe Biden thinks that Harris would give Democrats the best path to victory in 2024. She is a wildly unlikeable prosecutor from the failed city of San Francisco, emblematic of the uber-progressive failed state of California, and her chances of winning over the hearts and minds of voters in Midwestern swing states is next to nil.

So, just what is Biden’s motive?  Is Biden so filled with rage that he is determined to make the Light-Bringer choke on his words “”never underestimate Joe’s ability to eff things up?” It certainly would appear that Biden is striking back at those who undercut him, who ousted him from his chances at a second term.  Biden has pulled the pin on a live grenade that will likely detonate during the event euphemistically known as the Democratic National Convention.  This year it may be become better known as the Democratic National Chaos.

Sulllivan notes:

Opening the convention to other candidates has always presented risks. There are questions about how the Biden-Harris war chest would be spent if Biden or Harris is not the nominee, for example. The party would obviously be open to accusations of racism and sexism if Harris is replaced as the seemingly rightful successor to Biden’s position on the ticket. And there have long been suggestions by Democrats that replacing Biden is a refutation of the democratic will of the party’s voters, expressed clearly in the primary process.

This year the convention is in Chicago.  I am certain that at least some Democrats remember the 1968 convention in Chicago and the riots that occurred.  The specter of a raucous convention pitting different factions of the party against each other has to be harrowing for a lot of the party elite.

As multiple commentators have noted, American politics is in uncharted waters.  Replacing Harris with someone not “of color” will undoubtedly be seen as a huge problem by the woke Left.  State laws governing ballots are also another consideration.

Do the Democrats care?  What the Democrats have proven during the last three presidential cycles is that they will try to hold onto power by any means necessary.  The Democrats rigged the 2016 primary so that Bernie Sanders would not win.  They rigged the 2020 primary to prevent Sanders, Buttigieg and Warren from winning.  Biden never finished higher than 4th until the fix was put into place.

The Democrats have engaged in lawfare during the Biden administration against Donald Trump and anyone else they perceive to be a threat.  The J6ers are a very clear example of this.  Their persecution was designed to silence anyone who would speak up against their agenda.

Trump was supposed to be in jail as the result of the sham indictments against him.  When that didn’t work, they weakened the Secret Service protection around him.  We all know what the result of that was.

Many people are tired of all this nonsense.  The Democrats and some Republicans as well are plundering the Treasury for their own benefit.  If this is not stopped soon, we will not have a country to squabble over.

Time and again the Democrats accuse patriotic Americans of being racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.  In a speech in Philadelphia, Biden accused half the country of being extremists.  The Democrats project onto others just what they are.

Fascists seems to be the pejorative of choice during the last year.  Trump is Hitler has been a common refrain.  Are we the 1930’s Germany?  Maybe.  If so, the Democrats are our Nazis.  And the Light Bringer may truly be our version of Hitler.

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