They’re Lying

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We were lied to for years by the White House and Big Media about the cognitive decline of Joe Biden.  Biden is not and has not been up to the rigors of the job.  The Democrats and the media have committed a fraud upon the American people.

On Wednesday evening Joe Biden went on national TV to explain to the American public why he “chose” to end his re-election campaign.  Let’s keep in mind that Air Force One made an emergency trip back from Las Vegas last week.

A local hospital there was all prepped and roads had been cleared to transport Biden to that hospital. However,  what they wanted to do to get Biden in there was not realistic. They basically wanted the entire facility in lockdown. All Vegas roads in and out in lockdown. They wanted all of the patients in route or in the facility gone/diverted. The facility could not do any of those things quick enough.

So, plans changed and they raced him to Air Force 1 and flew as fast as possible back to the East. It has been reported that the plane flew so fast that it was shaking.  They apparently chopped more than an hour off the normal time for the trip.

Tentative reports indicate that Biden suffered a stroke and that they decided to “De-stroke” him enough on the plane back to get medical care out East closer to home where they could hide him better.  If he had actually entered the ER at a LV Hospital there would be no hiding that. So, their primary concern is always about how best to hide things. In other words, to lie to the American public.

Let’s be reminded that Biden’s brother Frank had said Joe was dying.  Frank was quickly branded as an alcoholic and smeared in the press to refute what he said.

This is why no one had seen Joe Biden since he returned from Nevada.  Biden suffered facial injuries during this TIA event.  Look closely at this screen grab from his address.

First, look at the left side of the lower jaw (that’s screen right) on the jawline in the 4 o’clock to 5 o’clock location.  There is evidence of a deep bruise that is purplish in color with pronounced swelling.

Second, look at the upper left eyelid (screen right), at top-left of eye socket where eyelid folds into the eye; another deep bruise although more hidden with makeup.  Again, there is swelling that has not completely gone down.  There is a suggestion of stitches there as well.

Did Biden have a stroke?  What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.  In the end, it really does not matter.  Biden’s political career is over.  I wager that we will see little of Biden from now to the end of his term if he makes it to the end of his term.  Whatever “proof of life” appearances are needed will be very limited with little to no interaction with the press or public.

Biden’s speech as to why he has withdrawn painted him as heroic.  He was doing this to save the country.  As usual with Biden, every fact that he stated was a lie.  It is all the Democrats do these days.  Just yesterday, Schumer stated that the grassroots movement had decided that Harris should be the nominee.  So, he, Schumer, was endorsing her for President.

What grassroots movement?  Democrat primary voters have just had their voices COMPLETELY SILENCED by a coup!  Do they really expect the public to swallow these lies?

In the media, we’ve had to endure all kinds of over-the-top tributes to Joe Biden and what a patriot he is for stepping down for the good of the country, and that this selflessness is a marked contrast to Donald Trump, etc.  It’s enough to make one gag.

What lies ahead for the country?  It is clear that Biden should be replaced.  However, the Democrats do not want to give the public a view of a Harris presidency before the election.  Unless Biden dies, I think the country is stuck with him.  God help America.

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