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Things that make one go “Hmm.”  It is a Bizarro world that we live in.

The media went two solid weeks SUDDENLY insisting that Joe Biden was mentally unfit to be re-elected president. Biden visited Las Vegas.  Biden was rushed home from Las Vegas.  They got what they wanted — Biden’s withdrawal – Presto Change-o.  They’re now insist ol’ Joe is just fine, and that you’re crazy for suggesting he’s unfit to finish out his term.

This just happened on CNN: a panel went berserk when Reihan Salam made this obvious point.

The Democrats believe that they can say anything and it will be believed…and they do not care if it is not believed.

Axios called Kamala Harris the border czar.  This is the job Joe Biden gave her.  Now Axios has deleted that because it might embarrass Harris.

With less than four months before Election Day, Vice President Kamala Harris’ record as a Senator is a significant disadvantage.  Fortunately for Harris, many in the establishment media and other appear more than willing to revise history to protect her than offer any criticism to flourish.

Most recently, a scorecard ranking Harris as the “most liberal” senator during her time in that chamber has disappeared entirely from the internet.

Compared to all senators, GovTrack ranked her as the “most politically left.”

That would not sell well in the mid-western swing states.  So, it had to go.

Ghost donations also known as smurfing.  This process is used to evade campaign finance laws.  Prior to Trump, both parties had become slaves to big business and super-wealthy individuals.  The Democrats try to pretend that they have grassroots support through smurfing.  Smurfing is where small amount donations are aggregated through an organization like ActBlue.

Aggregation is not illegal.  However, this one example (there are many others) show this grassroot support to be a sham.

Kerry Alberti is 79 years old and lives in an inexpensive Virginia apartment. Are we to believe that for the last four years, she has donated to Democrats 22,619 times, for a total of just under $840,000?  That’s 15 times a day for four years.

A non-weaponized DOJ would have ended this scam a long time ago.

They live in their own world unpopulated by truth or reality.  The left wing media want Trump to prove he was hit by a bullet during the assassination attempt.

CNN analyst and Kennedy School professor Juliette Kayyem has claimed that the burden of proof is on Donald Trump to show that he was hit by a bullet during last week’s assassination attempt against him.

Before this train ends, the left will be saying that Trump staged the whole thing.  Oops, that’s right.  They are already saying this.

Who believes this?

Trump would-be assassin Thomas Crooks made three explosives with remote detonation capability in 7 days between the announcement of the Butler, Pennsylvania rally and the day of the event.

According to CNN, investigators found no online search history of Crooks researching how to assemble homemade explosives.

Who helped him?

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