Coup Upon Coup Upon Coup

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The Democrats have executed another coup.  That makes the third coup in four years.

In March 2020, all the major Democratic primary candidates abruptly, mysteriously, and in near unison withdrew from the Democratic presidential primaries, ceding the nomination to Joe Biden.

The fear of Bernie Sanders’ socialism had prompted the donor class and various political insiders to act.  They chose a perceived moderate, old Joe Biden from Scranton, Pennsylvania. They coerced the departures of all his far-left rivals, who had performed much better than Biden in the primaries.  The voices of the Democratic base were silenced.

They went on to steal the election and oust PDJT from the presidency.

Biden promised to be a uniter and to heal the country.  However, once in the White House, Biden’s agenda proved to be the most divisive and far-left in nearly a century.

Joe Biden was supposed to be a one-term President.  However, Joe Biden was not going along with that script.  So, they let Biden go out into the public more.  Inevitably, Biden’s difficulties with dementia became more and more apparent.  This culminated in Biden’s disastrous performance in the June 27th debate.

Nancy Pelosi said that Joe Biden could get out of the race either the easy way or the hard way.  The elites gave Biden three weeks to exit the race.  When Biden stubbornly refused to withdraw, on Sunday, July 21st, the bigwigs, megadonors, party bosses and Obama puppeteers, went into action again.

They reportedly threatened Biden with a complete loss of any further campaign funding and raised the specter of invoking the 25th Amendment to end his presidency—should he not withdraw from the race.

So, once again the choices of the Democratic primary voters were erased.  The DNC does what they want to do, the hell with the public.  This is the party that continues to claim that they “are protecting democracy.”  That “democracy is on the ballot this fall.”

I would agree with this statement.  Anyone who would vote for a Democrat this fall is voting to end democracy. The Democrats have made that clear with their actions of the last few years.

And I have one further question.  If Biden’s dementia is so severe that he cannot run for President, why is he still in office?

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