They Lying…Again

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Joe Biden did not quit voluntarily.  Biden was threatened with the 25th amendment by the inner circle of the Democratic Party.  All of them (Biden included) had conspired to hide his cognitive problems for years.  They had hoped to fool the American public into re-electing Biden.  June 27th ended that attempt.

The media is attempting to re-write history in real time.  Not even 24 hours after a Democratic and public rebellion forced President Joe Biden to give up his quest for a second term, the media began the canonization of Joe Biden.  I would not be surprised if Biden is nominated for sainthood in the woke Catholic Church.

Biden is an “American hero,” one New York Times “reporter” claimed.  The New Yorker referred to his “act of selflessness.”  It is all BS.  However, someone will probably get a Pulitzer for such crap that pretends to be journalism.

The media is attempting to whitewash the collapse of Biden’s campaign.  They want to pretend that his erstwhile allies in his own party did not make him quit.  The media is ignoring its own role in ousting Biden.  And oust him they have.  From both the presidential race and the Presidency.  Biden might as well retire permanently to his basement in Delaware right now.

That will not happen.  The Democrats cannot afford to have Harris installed in the Oval Office yet.  Her deficiencies would become apparent immediately.  That would be unwise before Election Day or Election Month if you prefer.

The real question that few in the media seem to be pursuing is this.  Just how long has Joe Biden been this bad?  Just how long have his allies known this?

Stories are beginning to emerge.  Perhaps the media feels the need to “explain” why Joe Biden was removed.

On the Sunday when Biden withdrew, the Wall Street Journal published an article that opened with a stunning anecdote about a meeting he had had with House Democrats:

In 30 minutes of remarks on Capitol Hill, Biden had spoken disjointedly and failed to make a concrete ask of lawmakers, according to Democrats in the room. After he left, a visibly frustrated Pelosi told the group she would articulate what Biden had been trying to say…

That was October 2021. That month was the last time Biden met with the House Democratic caucus on the Hill regarding legislation. 

So, Joe Biden has not met with the House Democrats regarding legislation in almost three years.  Let’s be reminded that Biden spent more than 35 years as a US Senator in Congress.  But he stopped meeting with his allies in Congress less than a year after he took office.  Why?

We know why.  The party elites could not afford to have Biden out in unscripted events.  The “secret” of his cognitive decline would have gotten more legs sooner.  Apparently, Biden stopped having full Cabinet meetings early in 2023.

Of course, as Barack Obama so aptly stated, never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to eff things up.  And Biden did that numerous times when he told reporters that he could not answer their questions because, if he did, he would get in trouble.

Kamala Harris was VP during all of this.  Are we to believe that Harris knew little or nothing about Biden’s cognitive difficulties?  Is this is true, Harris must be one of the most ignorant and incompetent people on the planet.  If not, Harris is complicit in the fraud that was perpetrated on the American public.

And a fraud it was.  Had Americans seen the full extent of his decline, they would have resoundingly rejected his bid for a second term. This would have resulted in an open primary which is something that Democrats, the “party of democracy” absolutely abhor.  With the Democrats, only the party elites should make the decision about who should be running.  This is why they have so many super delegates.  Super delegates are not elected by the public.

Of course, Biden and the people closest to him were well aware of this fact, which is why they went to such great lengths to hide his senility.  June 27th, a debate suggested by Joe “Never underestimate his ability to eff things up” Biden, was his Waterloo.  Biden thought Trump would never agree to the terms that Biden would lay down.  Biden was wrong.

Now that Biden has been deposed by his own party, the media will turn its propaganda arm over to gaslighting America about how great Harris is.  They will lie at every turn.  They are already scrubbing their websites of negative stories about Harris.

Do not let them fool you.  If we are to return America to its promise as the greatest experiment in human governance, Kamala Harris should never be allowed to get anywhere near the Oval Office.

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