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Congress is holding hearings on the assassination attempt on PDJT on July 13th in Butler PA.  Many questions are being asked.  Some are being answered.  Others are being deflected.

This was a colossal failure upon the part of the Secret Service.  Just how big a failure remains to be determined.  There are a bunch of questions that need to be answered in public.

Who approved the site security plan?  Were any other configurations considered besides the Pac-Man one that was approved?

Why was the Line of Sight of those buildings where the shooter was located not blocked off per standard procedure in the Security Plan?

Why did no one in law enforcement detect the bombs in the van that was parked nearby for several hours?  Bomb sniffing dogs were present.  It seems apparent that part of Crooks’ plan was to kill as many MAGA people as possible.  If he had remained alive and the people at the rally had panicked and started running from the site, a detonation of those bombs would have killed and injured many more.

It was stated that Crooks had flown a drone over the site earlier in the day.  Who was this reported to?  What actions were taken?

The Secret Service did not use a drone on a site where there were higher vantage points that were not protected.  Local law enforcement offered their own drones several times.  Why were the offers refused?

Why wasn’t PDJT’s detail notified of the threat on a rooftop that multiple people were reporting to various law enforcement personnel?

A question that should be asked is have the people who so badly effed this up, been removed from their positions at least until the investigations have been completed?  Of course, that assumes that incompetence was the cause.

A couple of other questions have rumbled around the cavernous confines of my head.  These will definitely never be asked in a congressional hearing.  However, I am certain that at least some Washington pols have thought about these.

These questions delve into the realm of potential political fallout.

Let’s suppose for a moment that the sniper had succeeded and killed PDJT.  What would have been the political fallout from that?  Let’s be reminded that PDJT had not yet announced his choice for VP.  There would have been no heir apparent.  It seems most likely that Nikki Haley would have wound up the GOP nominee.  This would have suited the UniParty just fine since Haley owed her candidacy to megadonors.

The other side of the aisle would have changed also.  Joe Biden’s campaign would have ended.  A firestorm about the incompetence of the protection around PDJT would have forced Biden out of the race.  This would have allowed Harris or some other easily manipulated candidate to step in.  Regardless of who would win, the UniParty would have been the winner.

Let’s talk about the refusal to provide Secret Service protection for RFK, Jr.  Again, let’s pretend that he was assassinated.  Was the refusal to provide protection purposeful?  Was the Intelligence Community (IC) looking at the possible fallout from such a political event?

If it had happened, I am certain that the outcome of any investigation would have painted the right as being responsible.  This would have been used to hype up the violence narrative that the Left has been running for several years.

Would martial law have been on the horizon?  When some people entered the Capitol Building on January 6thmost of whom were actually peaceful and stayed within the ropes, the Capitol area was fenced off with razor wire for months after that.  Ostensibly this was to show the American people that an insurrection was taking place.  The Unselect J6 Committee was part of this narrative.

Would we have been treated to another George Floyd “Summer of Love?”

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