All Or Nothing

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In the runup to the election in November, we must recognize who we are dealing with.  The people behind the curtain, the unelected bureaucrats who are running the country, know that they must win the election or accountability will be visited upon them.  This means that the Deep State, the Democratic Party and all those who are held under their spell will do anything to avoid power being transferred to the people.  For these people, it is literally all or nothing.

We have heard ad nauseum comparisons of Trump to Hitler.  Of course, nothing could be more false than that.  However, when it comes to the Deep State and their allies, the comparison may be apt.  One commenter had this to say:

History, as ever, is the guide.

Hitler and his high command had committed unspeakable atrocities and crimes against humanity. They were well aware of this, and they were in an all-or-nothing situation (win, or face the death penalty).

When the allies successfully established the beachhead in Normandy, the war was over. By then it had become a war of attrition and there was no way Germany could win. Fighting on two vast fronts, their war industry shattered, no longer able to defend their skies or go on the offensive in any sustained or meaningful way, the Nazis were forced out of Paris within a few short months.

Rational, objective, mentally stable and morally-centered leadership would have sued for peace with the allies at this point. No need for further bloodshed and destruction, the issue had been settled. Why bring further destruction and misery to their beloved Fatherland and their own people?

But Hitler and his leadership were fanatics. Psychotics. So, they made the allies fight ALL THE WAY to Berlin. Short on manpower, Hitler ordered German children as young as 12 to pick up a Mauser rifle and fight to the death, or else be shot by their own fanatical countrymen, all the while knowing it was entirely futile. Meaningless.

The mindset was inarguable….”we’ll take as many with us as we can, regardless of who.”

This is who we are facing.

Their premise is, if you come for us…you might get us…but understand we will burn the world down around you and you may live in the ashes we leave you.

Remember, these people were not only willing…but actually DID…release a bioweapon (COVID) into the earth’s biosphere in order to steal an election, get rich doing it, and take total control. They’ve murdered millions of people already. What are ?? millions more to them??

A: Nothing

The question now is….

Will they start World War III?  Will a nuclear holocaust be the outcome the psychotic Deep State is looking for?  Will they burn down the world around us to stay in power?

Sundance notes;

The people behind Joe Biden just told congress they are expanding the nuclear weapon arsenal in the U.K and Europe [White House Announcement]; presumably for use against Russia.  Now ask yourself what you think Vladimir Putin will do next.

This is bananas.  And America is the bad guy here.  The CIA executed a coup that deposed the democratically elected President of Ukraine because he liked Russia too much.  This led directly to the war that is currently being waged there.

Sundance has noted many times that there are trillions at stake.  But it is not just money.  These people released a bioweapon upon the entire world killing millions.  This tells us just who these people are.  These people will stop at nothing to stay in power.

Raw, dictatorial, psychotic-indulging power. The kind of power that would allow them to own people as slaves, indulge in their pedophilia, murder anyone who opposes them, and do as they please while enslaving the rest of humanity.

This is what is at stake in November.  If we want to save the greatest experiment in human governance, all morally good people must get out and vote for peace.

Vote Trump!

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