Trump Assassination Did Not Occur

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The attempt of PDJT’s life in Butler, PA on July 13th did not happen.  At least, according to Google it didn’t.

As most people are aware, Google tries to be helpful when one is typing in their search box.  Google will suggest completions as one is typing.

This is what happens when one types in “assassination attempt.”

Notice what is missing.  This is Google being Google.  Google is refusing to suggest a topic that is detrimental to their narrative.  They want people to forget that the attempt on PDJT’s life ever occurred.  They are engaging in election interference by doing this.

Google is part and parcel of the attempts to rig the election.  The steal is already underway.  They do not want you googling about this assassination attempt.  Before you know it, they will be producing results that say the attempt was staged.

This happened three weeks ago.  Do not forget.  Do not let them memory hole this event.

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