The Secret Police

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One of the more remarkable transformations of the last few years is the red-pilling of Tucker Carlson.  Carlson’s spot in prime time was one of the biggest draws in major media outlets.  Fox News soared to the top of the ratings chart.  However, in the end, Fox pulled the plug because they could not prevent Carlson’s siding with the American public.

Fox probably thought they could control Carlson, that they had him locked away through the contract he was performing under.  Wrong!  Tucker reinvented himself on the Tucker Carlson Network.  Carlson has done some remarkable interviews since then.

A recent interview with Tristan Levitt, a lawyer for an FBI whistleblower, is remarkable for the sunlight it shines on the internal workings of the FBI.

The whistleblower was present at the J6 rally to support PDJT.  This agent never went into the Capitol, never engaged in violence, self-reported having been in the vicinity that day. A year later he had his security clearance yanked—and he wasn’t the only one. It appears now that the FBI subsequently went on an internal witch hunt for people who supported PDJT, who supported the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution, and who had displayed “hesitancy” with regard to being injected with experimental gene therapy medications, i.e., the Covid “vaccines”.

This certainly suggests that the FBI now has a political litmus test in order to get a security clearance.  If you do not walk in lockstep with the New World Order, you will be denied.

Mark Wauck, a former FBI agent, notes:

As Tucker and the lawyer explain, if you lose your security clearance, you’re unemployable not only at the FBI but also for any other agency of the federal government that requires such a clearance. You won’t get a redo or re-examination. You’re unemployable. My guess is that this type of witch hunt has been going on in many areas of the federal government, to weed out normals.

I believe this purge of people we would consider normal started during the Obama administration.  Obama retired a whole bunch of generals who appeared to be conservative.  The reason is to put people into positions of power that will ignore the Constitution when the s**t hits the fan.

This is McCarthyism at work.  Of course, it is not communists that the government is trying to weed out, but rather people who believe in the foundational principles of our country.

I think this interview by Tucker is worth 15 minutes of your time.

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