They Are Lying…Again

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The biggest psy-op in the history of the country is underway.  The Communists Democrats are undertaking to re-write current history.  It is no longer just about erasing past history.  The Party is trying to create a history that never happened.

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi went on 60 Minutes for an interview with Leslie Stahl.  Part of the interview was about the coup to remove Joe Biden.  To put it politely Pelosi executed a major league dissembling operation.

Pelosi denied putting any pressure on Biden to drop out of the race.  Stahl ignored the fact that Pelosi had been quoted as saying Joe Biden could do it the easy or the hard way.  Pelosi went on and insisted that she has seen no signs of Old Joe’s mental decline.  Then Pelosi argued that Joe Biden should be on Mount Rushmore!  The next you know Pelosi will be recommending Biden for canonization by the Catholic Church.

STAHL: Please tell us what you told President Biden to persuade him to step aside. 

PELOSI: Well, I’ve never I’ve never shared any conversations with the president of the United States publicly. No.

Really?  I seem to remember Pelosi publicly talking about conversations with PDJT.

STAHL: It said that he’s furious at you. Is he?

PELOSI: Well, he knows that I love him very much.

STAHL: I understand that you don’t want to own this. But it is so well reported, you know, that you were the leader of a pressure campaign.

Why didn’t Stahl use Pelosi’s own words on the issue?

PELOSI: No, I wasn’t leader of any pressure…well, let me say things that I didn’t do. I didn’t call one person. I did not call one person. I could always say to him, I never called anybody. What I’m saying is, I had confidence that the president would make the proper choice for our country, whatever that would be. And I said that whatever that is, we’ll go with.

STAHL: Had you seen a decline in Joe Biden, and did you think he needed to step aside?

PELOSI: No. My whole point was whatever he decides. But we have to have a more aggressive campaign.

Joe Biden made a decision to withdraw because he was threatened with being removed from the Presidency through the 25th Amendment.  What we don’t know is what Jill’s price was.  Pelosi can say it was Biden’s decision.  However, coercion was certainly in play.

All of this is to start the process of memory holing the coup that brought Harris to the forefront.  Part and parcel with this is the re-writing of Kamala Harris’ history.  “Journalists” who called Harris the most unlikeable VP, will now pivot to extolling her.  They will be aided and abetted by Big Media suppressing bad facts about Harris.

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