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Kamalanomics, formerly Bidenomics but now bestowed on Harris by Joe Biden on Monday night at the DNC, is the following:

Screw Americans at all costs.  After that, lie about it with fraudulent jobs numbers.

The Democrats have been cooking the books on the state of jobs creation in the economy.  Of course, anyone with a lick of common sense knew this with major corporations announcing layoffs of 5%, 10% and 15% every month for most of the last three years.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) always announces preliminary numbers for the previous month on the Friday of the following month.  During Democratic administrations, these numbers are almost adjusted downward when the “real” numbers come in.  This contrasts with  the PDJT administration where they were almost always adjusted upward.  I wonder why that was that way?

Now it appears that the BLS will adjust the jobs creation numbers downward AGAIN.  This will cover the period from April of 2023 to March of 2024.  This adjustment will be somewhere between 360,000 and 1 million!

There are a number of caveats in the preliminary figure, but a downward revision to employment of more than 501,000 would be the largest in 15 years and suggest the labor market has been cooling for longer — and perhaps more so — than originally thought.

Not only have the jobs numbers been fudged, all jobs recovered post-Covid under Biden-Harris went to foreign-born workers – including illegal aliens.

The Biden-Harris regime has turned the U.S. economy into a temp agency for foreign-born workers!

The media and the Communists Democrats are all lying to the American people! Anyone voting for Kamaleon and Walz is destroying his/her own wallet and family and wants a communist nation!

These numbers are extremely bad in the surface.  They are even worse when you consider the number of jobs that the government created/kept alive through the Inflation Reduction Act.  Without those jobs the entire jobs report would even more dismal than it is.

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