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In 2020 the theme of the Democratic campaign for the White House was to return civility to America.  Old Joe from Scranton, who hid in his basement for most to the campaign, was portrayed as the person who could do this.  Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren were all convinced to drop out of the primaries “For the sake of the country.”  There might have been some promises made about future considerations.

This happened despite the fact that all of Washington knew the real Joe Biden.  And the real Joe Biden was nothing like what the campaign was promising.

This time around it appears that the Democrats have decided that normalcy should be their campaign theme.  Of course, the Democrats cannot run on their accomplishments.  Their accomplishments include raging inflation and a country awash in illegal aliens who have brought disease and violence to our country.  Real jobs are disappearing at an alarming rate while government sinecures increase.  War has returned due to the insane thinking of the neocons in the administration.  Normalcy, whatever that is supposed to mean, is what they have hooked their campaign to.

Is normalcy a man marrying a woman and having a family created from this union?  Apparently not.  JD Vance, the Senator from Ohio and VP candidate, meets all those qualifications.  Vance is married to a woman.  They have three children.  One would think that this would be considered normal.  However, according to the Democrats, Vance is weird.

Instead, the Democrats, who supposedly vetted their potential VP candidates, settled on Governor Walz to be their standard bearer of normalcy.  I have a few questions.  It seems that these questions would have been good to ask during the vetting process.

Is it normal to lie about your military service?  I would expect that any kind of vetting would have uncovered that Walz saying he went to Iraq was a lie.  Was this lie acceptable to the communists who run the Democratic Party?  Perhaps in Communist Democratic circles, it is considered to be a badge of honor to do so.

Is it normal to delay sending in the National Guard when one of your major cities is being burned to the ground?  This was the case in Minneapolis when the George Floyd riots were looting and burning everything including a police precinct.

Is it normal to put tampons in boys’ restrooms?  Tampon Tim seems to think so.

Other examples of Democratic normalcy.

Is it normal to call for the rape of an opponent’s wife and 2-year-old daughter.  Andy Beshear (D), governor of Kentucky, seems to think this is normal behavior.

Is it normal to have destitute veterans sleeping in pup tents on city sidewalks while illegal aliens are housed in luxury hotels?  In Democratic-controlled cities, this is considered normal.

Is it normal to report amid great fanfare official stats on the economy that beat expectations month after month only to have those numbers quietly revised downward month after month?  Is it normal after such revisions, to have 30% additional deductions when the annual review of those numbers takes place?  The recent annual review by the BLS removed almost 30% of the jobs previously reports had listed as created.

Is it normal to have a man beat up a woman and call it an Olympic sport?

Is it normal to have drag queens read books to children and for schools to include books that show graphic depictions of pre-teens having sex, such as Gender Queer?

Is it normal to order schools not to tell parents their children want to mutilate themselves in a futile effort to change sexes?

I could go on and on.  However, the picture is clear.  The Democrats live in some bizarro world where they think all of this and more is normal.  God help all of us if they get control of the government.

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