Intelligence Briefings

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This is an absolute indictment of the Intelligence Community (IC).  President Trump told the Daily Mail during an interview that he now declines intelligence briefings by the U.S Intelligence Community.

What President Trump says here is extremely accurate.  The IC is a corrupt organization.   The evidence for this can be found in the example of 51 IC officials saying the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation.  They did not misspeak, they lied.  They did this in order to influence the outcome of the election.

This was not a one-off.  The IC has flat out been making s**t up for years to support their desired political outcomes.  The IC does not believe that the American people should choose their leaders unless the IC can control those leaders.  The IC will do whatever they feel is necessary so that they can be the ones in power.  Senator Schumer’s statement about “the six ways to Sunday that the IC can get you” is appropriate here.

It is refreshing to hear PDJT identify this openly and without hesitation.  PDJT is not a member of the club that can be controlled by the IC.  The IC was not created by the Patriot Act.  However, the Patriot Act turned the IC into our overlords since the Patriot Act gave the IC the ability to intrude into the private affairs of American citizens without any oversight.

The Obama administration used this ability to go after their political opponents.  FARA violations were often the pretext for getting a rubber stamp from the FISA Court to dive deep into the backgrounds of anyone who crossed the IC.  The problem with Trump was that he was squeaky clean.

A clear double standard exists in this country.  Ordinary citizens get their First Amendment wings clipped for expressing unpopular opinions.  Freedom loving American citizens are labeled terrorists in mass.  Malicious IC seditionists receive absolute immunity from the wholly corrupt DOJ under Merrick Garland.

The steps to ending this begin with the election in November.

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