Her Values Have Not Changed

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Kamala Harris went over to CNN to tape a message for the American people.  This was advertised as Harris’ first interview since the Democrats executed a coup and threw Joe Biden off the Democratic ticket disenfranchising the millions of Democrats who voted for him.  This is a small part of the interview during which Harris emphasizes over and over that her values have not changed.

I think America should believe this part of the broadcast.  I believe that Harris is telling the truth here even if it happens to occur by accident.

The first item Harris mentions here is the never-ending climate crisis.  This is an important item in the strategy to control the population while filling the pockets of the global elites.  Harris uses a word salad to indicate she is all in on controlling how everyone is allowed to live.  People should believe her when she says this.

Harris has the audacity to mention the Inflation Reduction Act.  This piece of legislation, which she cast the deciding vote for, set fire to inflation and is a very significant reason why everything is so much more expensive than four years ago.  This was the core of Bidenomics which Harris wholeheartedly supported.  People should believe her when she says her values have not changed.  Electing Harris to the Presidency will result in more such calamities for America.

Harris referenced the invasion across our southern border.  Her values have not changed.  Just what are those values?  Harris opposed the construction of a wall to secure the border while she was a Senator.  Harris along with Joe Biden have done nothing to secure the border during this administration

The result has been an increasing flow of illicit drugs, human trafficking and violence.  If her values have not changed that means she would continue to destroy our country by allowing this invasion.

Harris has been running ads saying she will keep her word.  I think the public should believe her.  She will continue down the path to destroy America if elected.

From Old Dawg, a commenter who is more astute than I.

She’s telling the truth! Her values haven’t changed. She was, is, and will always be a prostitute for power and influence. She will say or do anything if she believes it will further her lust for power; she personifies evil and does so without any regret or conscience. Her master is the Father of Lies and IF this country doesn’t awaken and realize the consequences of putting her in power then the nation has become too stupid to survive.

The debate on September 10th should be interesting if Harris does not back out.