Hoodwinking The Public

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VP Kamala Harris sat down with CNN on Thursday night.  Dana Bash was the “interviewer.”  This was Harris’ first attempt to hoodwink the American public.  Since this was Harris’ first date with the media, a chaperone, Gov. Walz, went along to make sure no untoward events took place.

This was billed as a night when Harris would reveal what her policy provisions would be for the country.  It turned out to be only slightly more informative on that subject than what one would find on her website (There are no such policy provisions).

I am certain that Walz was there to make sure Harris did not reveal the communist style administration that a Harris presidency would be.  So far, except for one time, Harris has avoided doing so by refusing to talk to the media.  That was the time when she told people that communist-style price controls on groceries were the answer to the raging inflation that the Biden-Harris administration had brought to the country.

Harris would take over the food production in this country.  Washington would set prices.  These price limits would create shortages.  Quantity limits would be imposed.  IDs would be required to buy food.  The grocery store shelves would be empty.  This si the future of this country if Harris is installed in the Oval Office.

The Democrats could not afford more backlash from their PR people in the media.

Harris did not make such a mistake again.  What unfolded for 18 minutes, (advertised as an hour long sitdown), was a class in political double-speak, half-truths and outright lies.  The only clear message that was received was that Harris’ values have not changed.

That is a huge problem.  Harris’ values include, support for ending women’s sports, mass amnesty for all those illegals who were invited by the Harris-Biden administration to enter our country.  The purpose in doing so is to turn these people into voters for the Communist Democratic Party.

It also includes support for ending cash bail which has led to the surge in violent crime across the country.  Individuals have been arrested twice in the same day for violent crimes since this no-cash-bail approach has been put into place in Democratic cities and states.

In addition, if her values have not changed, Harris would ban fracking and abolish private health insurance, another communist-style practice which would make good health care difficult to find for anyone other than the elite.

Harris flipflopped so many times in 18 minutes, that I have heard that Harris is being considered for a new world record in the Guinness Book of World Records (sarc).  Harris flipflops and then uses doublespeak to cover it up.

Harris delivered what was expected.  She is an empty suit with no talent.  Harris is where she is because she is a woman and supposedly black.

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