Unvarnished Truth

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The Democrats have nothing to run on.  All of their Communist policy agenda items have blown up on them.  So, how will they get people to vote for them?  It will be by emotion alone.  “Orange man bad.”  “Black woman as President.”  “Trump is a convicted felon.”  “The politics of joy.”

This election will feature the oligarchs vs the people.  Harris represents the oligarchs who have immense Democratic support among politicians as well as among some elite Republicans including people like Mitch McConnell.  Harris does not have to be especially bright.  Harris just has to stay on script, something that Biden did not do at times.

Hundreds of millions of dollars will flow into the DNC war chest from the big money players.  This dark money will enable the Democrats to run ads that lie about the opposition.  The media will run interference for Harris as often as they can.  The recent taping that was shown on CNN on Thursday evening is a prime example of this.

Harris will be hidden from the public as much as possible.  Harris has been the presumptive nominee for a long time now.  However, Harris has yet to do a solo interview on her policy positions.

Meet The Press has been a center for propaganda against the people and for those in our government who benefit from oligarchal control of our government.  Senator Tom Cotton (R- Arkansas) went on Meet The Press to debate NBC host Kirsten Walker.

On the subject of the six dead Israeli hostages one of whom was an American who were discovered in Rafah recently, Sen. Cotton refused to allow Kirsten to white wash the administration imposing an arms embargo on Israel. Kirsten tries to say that only 2,000 lb. pounds were involved. Eventually Welker gives in and decides to move on to other topics.

When the subject switched to Prime Minister Netanyahu, Sen. Cotton was particularly strong about how Kamala Harris’ actions were emboldening Hamas and Hezbollah.  When Kirsten tried to back Cotton into a corner to “save lives,” Cotton came out swinging.  Appeasement was not in Cotton’s vocabulary.

Failing to get any traction for the DNC propagandists to use, Welker tried to corner Cotton on the issue of abortion claiming that Trump could not be trusted on the issue of abortion.  Cotton turned the tables by noting that PDJT never supported any kind of nationwide law on abortion.  Indeed, only Harris holds such a view that abortion should be handled on a nationwide basis.  And Harris’ position is that children should be able to be killed up to the moment of birth.

When Welker tries to diminish Harris’ extreme position by stating that there would be exceptions such as a woman’s health.  This is disingenuous at best since, under the Harris’ bill, all abortions would be legal.  Cotton noted that Harris voted against the Born Alive Victims Protection Act.  This would have protected children who survived an abortion from being left to die.  When Welker tried to say that Harris did no such thing, Cotton noted that he was there when she did that.

Welker then tried to switch to the issue of IVF and to paint the Republicans as opposed to IVF.  Cotton did not flinch and made it abundantly clear that as afar as Cotton was aware, that all Republicans were in favor of couples trying to have a family through IVF.

Welker was flailing at this point and tried to paint PDJT as a criminal for accompanying Gold Star families to Arlington National Cemetery and for being part of pictures that were taken.  These families lost their loved ones due to the incredible incompetence of the administration in withdrawing from Afghanistan.

Cotton noted that the families invited PDJT to be there.  They wanted him to be in the photos that would be their memories.

I am certain that Welker’s bosses are probably unhappy with the results of their attempt to generate hate and discontent against people who believe in our country.

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