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Clearly George Orwell’s 1984 has arrived in America.

Normally it is considered honorable to comfort and provide solace to those who have lost someone in a military action.  PDJT did just that last Thursday when, at the invitation of the families who lost a child at Abbey Gate in Afghanistan three years ago, he attended a memorial service at Arlington National Cemetery.

VP Harris, who was the last one in the room when the Afghanistan withdrawal plan was approved, condemned PDJT.  Harris, who is not one of the Democratic Party’s brightest, seemed to feel that it was disgusting for PDJT to lay flowers on fallen soldiers’ graves

Historically, getting soldiers killed through horrific incompetence has been seen as damaging politically.  But apparently, the Harris campaign has decided it’s time to change that narrative.  They are trying desperately to make the opposite true.

 It now appears that nothing is off limits for political gain, even the very deaths Harris caused. You get someone shot, blown up, etc., just accuse your opponent of playing politics by going to the funeral. Then, sit back and watch the lapdog media take it from there.

The American public is getting pushed to the limit.  The Gold Star families are furious with Harris and offered a scathing critique of her.  These videos, which have rapidly gained traction on social media, lay bare the deep frustrations these families harbor toward Harris, accusing her of blatant disregard for military families and their sacrifices since she took office.

You will not see this on WaPo or the NYTimes who are deeply in bed with Harris.









We are all thankful to Elon Musk who has provided a vehicle for the non-ideologically inclined to express their contempt for the current administration.

Is the time coming when the following Biblical message will come true?

“As Cain was marked and cast out, so shall you be driven from your home. You shall be a wanderer upon the earth, finding no place of rest, no land to call your own. The ground shall yield no fruit to you, and every hand shall be against you, until you are lost and forgotten.”