Democrats Running On Hate

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Liberals are voting for hatred.  They are voting on an emotion of hate that has been created by a false media.

Ask a “liberal” to tell you why they are voting for Kamala?  Ask them to name a policy they are voting for… Most of their answers are I hate Trump… Then ask them why?  What are the reasons you hate Trump?  Most of their answers are I don’t know, I just hate him and we cannot let him win.  Mixed in with this hatred will be some reference to dictatorships, etc. that have been the hallmark of recent Democratic administrations.

The Democrats are running on hate, a hatred for a man and NO POLICIES!

The Democrats believe they can brainwash enough of the public to stay in the White House.  This may require massive election fraud but the Dems believe they can get away with that.

Someone in the Trump Vance campaign should make this a strategy to show how ridiculous this is. Marxists and their ideologies are a cancer.  If left unchecked, it will devour the country just as all cancers eventually do. Do we have to endure that or can we excise that cancer now?

The Democrats lie all the time.  Spend a few minutes watching the campaign ads on television and one will see this over and over.  Any attempt by the Trump campaign to do something normal will be categorized as weird or untoward.

For example…Just look at what the media and Kamala did with The Arlington Cemetery hoax. They positioned Trump as trying to get a photo opportunity, when it was the families who invited Trump because of his strength.

One observer had this to say:

…yesterday I had the honor to attend the wreath laying ceremony remembering the 13 soldiers who gave the ultimate sacrifice serving their country during the collapse of Afghanistan and the bombing at Abbey gate three years ago.

During the ceremony I got to witness something that I’ll be quite honest, was pretty unbelievable to see in person. No matter who the politician, there always seems to be an angle when they do things to make it beneficial.

Yesterday that was not the case.

I have witnessed over 75 wreath laying ceremonies performed by politicians and conducted 524 funerals in this cemetery during the time I served in the Presidential Honor Guard for three years.

What I got the witness yesterday was the most respectful and solemn ceremony I have seen.

@realdonaldtrump , @tulsigabbard , and the rest of the team that came to pay their respects did that tenfold.

There were no speeches, no angles, no weird photo ops just our elected officials and the 45th President respectfully and solemnly honoring the fallen and their families.

I watched President Trump spend more time at the graves with the families then I have ever seen a political representative do before. No rushing, no handlers trying to move it on, just him truly showing gratitude and love to these families for their loss.

No matter what the party, this is what I look for in my elected officials. Americans ready to serve and support Americans.

These families are now being attacked.  Why?  Because they make the cult’s leaders look bad.  This is disgusting on every level.  Bless those families for standing up and speaking the truth.

Everything Kamel Toes does is political.  Clearly she thought she would gain traction by the course she has taken.  The Communists Democrats lie and lie to reposition the thoughts of their voters and its absolutely disgusting.

Anyone who does not realize that 13 Marines fighting for your freedom, got less recognition than George Floyd by this Regime, than they are the problem!

Semper Fi