Not Pretending Anymore

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Kamala Harris says she believes in freedom.  However, Harris is a Communist.  So, Harris’ view of freedom is far different from the average person’s view.  Her view of freedom aligns with that of the East Germany Stasi or the Soviet Union’s KGB.  You are allowed to speak out about how great the Democratic Party is, about how great a Harris Presidency would be for the country.  However, if you disagree with these ideas publicly, you will be attacked.  You will be censored.  And, if they can find a way, you will be eliminated from the public sphere.

Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic congresswoman from Hawaii, has become the subject of political retaliation from the administration for publicly challenging the narrative that Harris would be good for America.

This video is well worth 15 minutes of your time.

Gabbard notes that she was put on a secret terrorist watch list.  Why?  Is Gabbard some devious foreign extremist who managed to hide her true mission in this country for years while she served in our military?  Gabbard and her husband were subject to some of the most intrusive security screenings over and over again.  Again why?

The answer is obvious in this day and age.  Gabbard did not conform to the role that the administration expected from someone who was once a Democratic congresswoman.  And she needed to be made aware that such conduct of speaking out against this administration was taboo.

Gabbard accurately identifies the threat.  Gabbard is a threat to the Democrats hold on power.  Therefore, Gabbard must be silenced.  That’s what the TSA ‘extra screening” was for. To send a message to shut up.

That has not happened.  If anything, it appears that Gabbard is galvanized to continue to speak out against the Communists that are in our government.

In this video Gabbard goes on to highlight other examples of the weaponization of our government against its citizens.  Gabbard said:  “The FBI has been collapsed into nothing more than a police agency for the Democratic Party.”

Gabbard goes on to point out that this administration put RFK, Jr’s life at risk by denying him Secret Service protection.  Why?  Because RFK, JR had the audacity to challenge the current administration.  He also was a threat to their hold on power.

Gabbard points out that PDJT is the biggest threat.  She accurately calls out the weaponization of the justice system against America’s best hope to return to its foundational values.

Gabbard says that all of us must stand up.  There can be no retreat in the face of the openly brazen attempt to end American exceptionalism.