Zero Energy Poverty

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Kamala Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz, are trying to impoverish America.  They are doing this so that the government can swoop in and “save people from poverty.”  This is part of the time-honored communist playbook.  And as Harris has noted, her values have not changed.

As vice president, Harris has backed so-called net zero.  This means offsetting every iota of manmade greenhouse gases. Walz, as governor, has pushed one of the most aggressive net-zero policies in America, mandating no carbon emissions in Minnesota by 2040.  This is insane.

This promises economic suicide.

Not only is it unachievable, but ramping up unreliable and costly energy sources like wind and solar while eliminating reliable and affordable options like natural gas and nuclear power will be disastrous.  Wind and solar are being exposed as having huge negative environmental impacts from millions of birds being killed to thousands of whales washing up on beaches near these projects.  That does not even begin the discussion of how the so-called green energy infrastructure will be handled after such infrastructure ends its useful life.  And such concerns are pushing the costs of energy generation to new levels.

Donald Trump and JD Vance should fight this madness—but they have to be smart. Here’s a real winning message: zero energy poverty!

Zero energy poverty casts a powerful vision of a much better future.  That future can be realized by unleashing the vast natural resources that America is sitting on. Such resources can deliver a future in which no one would struggle to afford utility bills.  And this can be done with minimal impact on the environment.

The goal of zero energy poverty is aspirational. Unlike net zero, it’s achievable and will improve the quality of life for all.

It’s a springboard for policies that tap America’s boundless energy potential.  It will yield tangible benefits like lower utility bills and cheaper food, which requires energy to grow and transport. Fully tapping American energy can also make housing more affordable and durable and healthcare more innovative and accessible.

And yes, zero energy poverty is the best path to making the environment cleaner since it calls for policies that unleash emission-lowering innovation without undermining the economy. Zero energy poverty means an easier everyday existence, greater wealth, better health, and a more expansive and inclusive American dream.  It is just the opposite of Harris/Walz dream for America.

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