Kamala Supports This

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Look at what our entrenched political class have done to all of us.

  • Victimhood is rampant.
  • Destroyed our jobs.
  • Financialized what was left of our economy.
  • Legalized drugs, gambling.
  • Trafficked children.
  • Allowed us to be invaded.
  • Destroyed many of our best in wars without end.
  • Infected and injected us.
  • Ruined our food and poisoned our environment.
  • Perverted our children.
  • Jailed opponents.
  • Imported dangerous narcotics.
  • Instigated countless terror attacks for fear-based mind control.
  • Vacuumed 50,000,000 of our children from wombs and sold the parts for profit.
  • Castrated our boys and mutilated our girls for profit
  • Built a pornography industry and piped it into our homes.
  • Taxed us while devaluing our wage.
  • Lied to us nonstop

But otherwise they are OK

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