The Democratic Party Is A Death Machine

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Leftist city and state leaders, bought by the oligarchs, have abandoned rule of law in favor of supporting the mob effort to destroy our sense of national unity.  Our borders have been left purposefully unsecure.  The trouble this creates is only just now starting to manifest itself in many cities across the country.  Aurora, Colorado is just the tip of the iceberg.

Political anarchists, Marxists and left-wing ideologues under the guise of Democrats, together with their media allies are conducting an information war against the American public and on behalf of their objective turning the country into a communist wasteland where they are in absolute control.

Many Big Tech social media companies are attempting to remove the voices of those who are fighting back.  Thank God there are still companies like Pavel Durov’s Telegram and Musk’s X where voices believing in freedom can still be heard.

Right now, those who wish to “fundamentally change” our nation, are waging a full-frontal assault against our constitutional republic.   There is a great deal of purposefully driven anxiety and fear across our great country as this multi-faceted internal war takes place.  And make no mistake, we are at war.  It is a war between those who believe in the freedoms God has bestowed on us and the powerful oligarchs who try to control everything from behind the curtain.

Mr. Vince Everett Ellison has become a voice standing up for all freedom-loving Americans.  Ellison has created a video that drops all pretenses and shouts the truth to all.  Mr. Ellison correctly identifies that “the Democratic Party is the evilest organization in the history of the world.”

This is non-pretending.  Vince Everett Ellison powerfully identifies the enemy of the Black Community which is the Democrat Party.  Ellison points out while MLK rallied the Black Community, he failed to clarify their actual abusers – The Party of Slavery, Civil War, Jim Crow, KKK, lynchings and segregation … then he was assassinated … and the Democrats put blacks back on the plantation through the Great Society program.  Now that blacks are waking up, the Democrats are casting them aside in favor of illegals.

The current “reality” can seem chaotic and insane at times.  It has been created to appear that way.  Ellison is calling on us to withstand the onslaught.  The attack on PDJT in Butler, that was at a minimum enabled by the current administration, was intended to silence PDJT.  It has not done that.  Another side effect that was intended was to silence the rest of us who stand up for freedom.  Do not let it.

Let’s be reminded that the current state of affairs presented to us by the Communist hordes is not American exceptionalism.  When we stand up and reject this, that is American exceptionalism.  Let us lean on the Almighty, embrace our pride in the founding values of our country and be controllers of our own destiny.

Do not let lies go unchallenged.  Speak truth to power.  Remember that lies are the communists’ stock in trade.  They celebrate the life of a criminal and drug addict like George Floyd while denigrating Justice Clarence Thomas for his life of excellence.

It is time for a change.

The full video by Vince Everett Ellison can be found here.

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