Cease & Desist

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President Trump sends out a “cease and desist” message that absolutely nails the institutional origin of the voter fraud process as it has been permitted and facilitated. Although slightly using a coded message, within the spelling, punctuation and pertinence, the identification “DoJ” is transparently clear.

The identification of the DOJ as the primary institutional facilitator that permits voter fraud is spot on.  The DOJ has the capability to stop voter fraud by prosecuting all of the public-private officials and NGO’s who participate in the process.  However, doing this would threaten their power.

As things stand now, those who participate in voter fraud operations feel that there is no risk in doing so.  And they are right.  The current version of the DOJ has been weaponized beyond belief.  They will go after anyone they perceive to be a threat to their power.

Sundance notes:

Main Justice targets individuals, organizations and systems that government officials and politicians determine are a threat to the power structure.  The Intelligence Community use their ability to conduct electronic surveillance to discover evidence against their targets.  The IC then feeds the evidence to Main Justice giving them the targeting coordinates.  The DOJ takes action based on the information from the IC, often using the FBI as the enforcement mechanism.

The entire structure of Main Justice as an institution is corrupt, top to bottom.  Much like the FBI, there is no agency, office, or subsidiary set of personnel within the DOJ that is not compromised by the modern mission of the organization.  This is a critical point to accept, because if it is not accepted then we repeat the mistakes of thinking an Attorney General alone can correct the problem.

To clean house, the following four divisions must be completely rebuilt from top to bottom.  They are (1) the DOJ-National Security Division (DOJ-NSD), (2) the DOJ Civil Rights Division, (3) the DOJ-Community Relations Service (DOJ-CRS), and (4) the DOJ Inspector General’s Office.

The most important of these is the National Security Division (NSD).  National security is used as a shield to suppress information about just what they are doing.  There was no Inspector General oversight of this division from its creation in 2006 until 2017 when PDJT assumed office in the White House.  This lack of oversight granted them almost omnipotent power to do whatever they wanted to.

The Legislative Branch did not want to be branded as weak on national security so they ran away from trying to conduct oversight.  The Judicial Branch was even worse by publicly stating that they would defer to the national security needs of the agency.  The result is Chuck Schumer’s comment about “six ways from Sunday” that they can get you.

At this point this can only be changed by the person in the Oval Office.  And if such person is compromised in any way, it will not happen.  The President, hopefully Trump, is going to have to do what the other branches of government have failed to do.  The NSD needs to be blown apart and the functions of the DOJ need to return to their status before anyone had ever heard of the Patriot Act.  The NSD has become worse than the East German Stasi and the KGB from the old Soviet Union.

There are other major changes needed at the DOJ.  However, without the removal of the NSD, those changes will be destined to fail.

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