Clinton Calls For Ending Trump

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Hillary Clinton joined the Rachel Maddow show on Monday, one day after the second assassination attempt on President Trump in two months.  Clinton ramped up the hateful rhetoric that has led to violent leftists trying to kill PDJT.

Shots were fired at Trump’s golf club in West Palm Beach on Sunday as President Trump was golfing on the 5th hole with real estate investor Steve Witkoff.  Officials later confirmed that the gunman, identified as 58-year-old Routh, targeted President Trump. However, details are still sketchy about the shots that were heard.  Did they come from the gunman or the Secret Service agent shooting at the suspect before he was able to fire his weapon?

Clinton: I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is. You know, the late, great journalist, Terry Evans, you know, one time, said that, you know, journalists should, you know, really try to achieve objectivity. And by that, he said, I mean, they should cover the object—well, the object in this case, is Donald Trump, his demagoguery, his danger to our country and the world—and stick with it.

This is rich.  According to the Hildabeast, the left wing media, which is an extension of the Democratic Party, is not covering Trump’s faults well enough.  You cannot make this stuff up.

Was this a dog whistle for others on the left?  When will the next assassination attempt take place?  There was no attempt to condemn political violence. Will attempted assassinations of conservative politicians become the new norm for America?   Are assassinations the only way that the Democratic Party led by the likes of Clinton, Obama, Clyburn and Schumer can win?

Clinton’s comments came after a 12-minute rant by Maddow calling PDJT a racist over and over and comparing the whole MAGA movement to Hitler’s Nazis.

Which Party supported slavery when the country was founded?  Why was the Civil War fought?  Which Party passed most of the Jim Crow laws?  Which Party supported segregation?  Which Party created the Great Society whose sole purpose was to keep blacks on the plantation?

Of course, when Clinton talks about a “danger to democracy,” the only group in danger is the Communist Democratic Party that believes they are entitled to take over and rule the country without any opposition.  Clinton wants a plutocracy, where a small minority rules over the rest of us.

Maddow and Clinton are trying to use racism and fear to stop people from seeing the truth.  They also want to censor anyone who opposes their ideology.

It is time to clean house.  The only choice in this election is PDJT.