Opportunity Economy

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Kamala Harris cackles her way through scripted interviews. Of course, Harris has a chaperone for these interviews.  She and Walz dance around bringing “joy to the world!”  But when you actually get her talking about policy, about what she believes in, the cackling stops.  Harris is the daughter of a Marxist professor.  And her “values have not changed.” it’s just communism all the way down.

What does this mean for economic policy?

Harris has presented something she is calling an “opportunity economy.”  The brainwashed bobbleheads are all nodding in agreement about how great this will be.  What these brainwashed do not understand is that this is Bidenomics all over again.  This continues Obama’s original plan to nationalize all the important sectors of the economy.  That is, those sectors that the federal government does not already control like healthcare and communication.  This would include housing, food, energy and transportation.

In other words, this is communism.  The current estimate for the number of people killed by communism for the last century is 100 million.  Will America become the next graveyard for communist ideas?

Tom Luongo notes:

This strategy is simply to break the private economy — dislocate trillions of investment capital, displace millions of workers, disrupt supply chains – and then create new “opportunities” for those most harmed by these policies, the lowest strata of wage earners young people, by giving them handouts. This is classic ‘divide and rule’ politics engaged in by the oligarch class to set the lower class, in their terminology the ‘proletariat,’ against the middle class, the “bourgeoisie.’

Nothing new here. Typical “Break your legs and hand you a crutch” politics.

This is an outstandingly accurate description of what the Democrats want to do.  This is what will befall the country if Harris/Walz move into the White House. The Communists Democrats will crush the middle class. Once this is accomplished, they will use the crutch of government handouts to control the public.

The choice is clear, freedom or communism.