The Great Fraud

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“Threats to democracy” is something that we hear from the Communists inside the Democratic Party regularly.  It was a constant refrain from people like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.  Lately Hillary Clinton has resurfaced to spread such crap as well.  And there are many other Democrats who engage in this kind of character assassination.

I have a few questions (asking for a friend).

Why is it anti-democracy to want personal freedoms and liberty such as free speech?  The current titular heads of the Democratic Party are opposed to free speech.  Tim Walz recently came out and said there is no free speech right to spread “misinformation.”  Hillary Clinton wants people to be prosecuted for engaging in “disinformation” relating to elections.

Why is it anti-democracy to want to protect yourself, family and property from assailants and criminals?  Kamala Harris recently came out and said she is a gun owner.  Harris then cackled through an answer about defending herself with that supposed gun.  No true gun owner laughs about having to use their weapon against another human being.  If elected, Harris will come for one’s weapons.

Why is it anti-democracy to want to ensure the rule of law is applied equally to all?  The number of cases are legion where the rule of law has been ignored if one is a favorite of the Democrats.  The “summer of love” in 2020 saw rioting, looting, arson and murder.  Very few of those involved were ever arrested and fewer still were actually charged.  Harris was bailing out looters, rioters, etc.

Why is it anti-democracy to want immigrants vetted and to come in through the front door?  If Martha’s Vineyard can refuse to accept immigrants, why can’t Springfield, Ohio?  Is America supposed to accept drug cartel members, rapists and other violent types?  How many terrorists have come across the border?

Why is it anti-democracy to want good manufacturing jobs here in America?  A robust manufacturing economy creates a strong nation and provides good jobs.

Why is it anti-democracy to want fair and balanced trade with all nations?

Why is it anti-democracy to not start nor want endless wars?  What existential threat has put boots on the ground in Ukraine and bodies in the ground here in this country?  Is peace a threat to the new world order?

Why is it anti-democracy to want voter ID required and no electronic voting machines in all states for all elections?  The penchant for fraud with electronic voting is just too tempting for those who revel in power.  There is a clear need to certify that each person voting is a citizen.  The invasion of our country that the administration has allowed is designed to make it easier to commit election fraud.

Why is it anti-democracy for parents to have the right to choose where their school tax dollars go?  The education system in many areas is a major league disaster.  When no children are performing at grade level, something is very wrong with that system.  Allowing parents to choose where their children’s tax money goes would promote competition and a meritocracy.  Isn’t that what America is all about?

Why is it anti-democracy to want less government control of our lives?

Why is it anti-democracy to want to use natural resources that God created and left here on earth for man to use as energy?

And finally, why is it anti-democracy to want to make America great again and put American citizens first?


and it’s the Democrats who are the true threat to democracy.

They are the real frauds.

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