CIA Offers $150,000

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David Sacks, the Silicon Valley billionaire who is backing Trump, recently pointed out that Ryan Routh, the wannabe Trump assassin in Florida, was quoting rhetoric directly from Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the media on his social media accounts.

This is the reason that the media have gone out of their way to blame Trump for the attempts on his life. They are desperately trying to deflect attention away from this and to cover for their own awful behavior and words.

Crazy people hear the dog whistles that Democrats and the media put out there and act on them. Everyone knows this is true.

“The rhetoric… been endlessly amplified by the mainstream media, and it’s not like a one-off comment. It’s been the central narrative for the last several years that somehow Trump represents this existential threat to democracy, and one way or another, that threat must be eliminated. Ryan Routh simply took literally what the mainstream media has been saying.”

“When you call the guy Hitler for years and again, you create billions of impressions around that, and it’s not like a one-off statement, but it’s something that is drummed into the public over and over again. It seems like to me you are asking for trouble.”

Now the DOJ has joined this effort to get Trump.  The DOJ has released a letter reportedly written by Ryan Wesley Routh.  According to information within the DOJ filing, Ryan Routh asked a friend to keep a box of his belongings.  After the failed assassination, the friend opened the box and discovered the letter.  Subsequently the DOJ publishes the letter through the court filing.  This clearly seems to be an effort to stimulate someone else to follow Routh’s wishes.

The Tennessee Star notes:

The letter was released publicly in this manner despite the FBI, which is the primary investigative branch of the DOJ, previously “strongly” advising Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) against the release of “legacy tokens” left by Covenant School killer Audrey Elizabeth Hale, who was a biological woman but identified as a transgender man during the attack where she claimed the lives of six.

The Tennessee Star obtained a portion of MNPD documents related to the Covenant investigation earlier this year, including a May 11, 2023 FBI memo to MNPD that referenced “legacy tokens” and warned their release could lead to unintended consequences.

“Mass shootings have been occurring with alarming frequency over the past few decades,” the agency stated. “Offenders of these attacks often leave behind items to claim credit for the attack and / or articulate the motivation behind it.”

The FBI stated in the memo that the agency, “opines that responsible authorities need to take every measure possible” to keep future offenders from accessing legacy tokens.

According to the FBI, allowing the spread of legacy tokens “will contribute to future attacks,” because would-be copycat attackers “will immerse themselves in and study these materials for inspection and tactics,” while “the dispersion of legacy tokens through the media will only further the infamous and notorious goals of the offender, ironically commissioned by the very entities tasked with thwarting these attacks.”

So, the DOJ would never normally publish a letter or manifesto that would stimulate the mentally unstable.  However, when it comes to Donald Trump, all the normal protocols are thrown out.  Remember, Donald Trump is their target.

During the follow-up to the Nashville shooting, we often heard the “ongoing investigation” as the reason for not releasing the manifesto.  And let’s be reminded, the Nashville shooter was deceased.  So, where is that rationale for a person who is still breathing (or was he supposed to be deceased at this point?).

The FBI/DOJ only release info when it benefits them.  What is the benefit to them here?  Is it to distract the public from the question of where Routh got $150,000 for his proposed bounty?  Is the Deep State offering a bounty to some mentally unstable person “to finish the job?”

Is this release of his “intent” letter to provide an excuse not to pursue who funded this escapade?  This will make a plea deal easier without the messy investigation of who else was involved in this.

Another example of the “double standard” at work here.  The Heritage Foundation posted this.

No one in the current administration can be trusted to do the right thing.

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