Election Integrity

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In a major move that is being hailed as a win for democracy, the Georgia Election Board voted to require hand-counting of all ballots on Election Day. This decision, reached by a 3-2 vote, will bring much-needed transparency to the election process, ensuring that every vote cast is accounted for accurately.

It should be noted that this is just a count of the number of votes cast against the number of voters who cast votes.  This would make it harder for Communists Democrats to manufacture votes as was done in 2020.  It would suppress the ability of cheaters to run the same ballots through the counting process multiple times as was done in 2020.

Naturally the Left was not pleased.  Far-left Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock claimed that the rules in Georgia forcing the hand counting of ballots is a “subversion of democracy.”  Well, at least Warnock did not say that this was a “threat to democracy.”  That has been the Democrats favorite phrase when referring to PDJT and the MAGA movement for the last four years.

When this hit the airwaves, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow melted down on air, falsely claiming there’s “radical stuff going on in Georgia.” Maddow emulated Kamala with a word salad claiming that it would “create real election problems for real.”  Maddow claimed that they are going to “try to make Georgia take months to count.”

Of course, this is nonsense.  How long will it take to count the number of ballots cast in each precinct?  This is a precinct level activity that should take a very short period of time.

What it will do is make it harder to introduce fraudulent ballots into the process as was done during the 2020 election in Georgia.

Let’s be reminded that Georgia was the epicenter of the 2000 Mules movie which demonstrated how the 2020 election was stolen in Georgia (and probably part of the operation in other states).

Hillary Clinton has called for the prosecution by the weaponized DOJ of people who spread “misinformation” about our elections.  I am certain that the above statement would qualify since Clinton has yet to see a story about the fraud in the 2020 election that she does not conflate with some far-right conspiracy theory.

November 5th is a battle between good and evil, between those who want a country built on the principles of our founding fathers and those who would enslave most of the population.  The Democrats are trying to expand their plantation for blacks to include the rest of us who do not agree with them.

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