Russia Raises The Stakes

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The insane neocons in Washington and other western capitals continue down the road to a nuclear war.  Zelenskyy is begging to strike targets deep inside Russia.  Zelenskyy went to Pennsylvania this week to campaign for Kamala Harris because he knows that PDJT would find a way to expeditiously end the war that is allowing Zelenskyy’s wife to spend all that money in Paris.

These people seem to believe that eventually Russia will back down and give up in Ukraine.  Why?  Russia is winning.  The front is beginning to crack open in many places.  Ukrainian casualties are approaching the casualties of our own Civil War.  The Democrats can only pray that a wholesale rout of Ukrainian forces does not begin soon.

Within the context of striking deep into Russia, Putin has published the results of a recent meeting of the Russian Security Conference on nuclear deterrence.  It should worry any rational human being about the possible ramifications of engaging Russia in a wholesale war which the West would be doing if they strike cities deep inside Russia.

Zlatti71 @Zlatti_71

 Vladimir Putin held his first public meeting of the standing conference of the Russian Security Council on nuclear deterrence.

Putin’s opening remarks at the meeting of the Security Council’s standing conference on nuclear deterrence:

“It has been proposed to introduce a number of clarifications in terms of defining the conditions for the use of nuclear weapons. Thus, the draft Fundamentals expands the category of states and military alliances in relation to which nuclear deterrence is carried out. The list of military threats, for the neutralization of which nuclear deterrence measures are carried out, has been supplemented. What else I would especially like to draw your attention to is that in the updated version of the document, aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear state, but with the participation or support of a nuclear state, is proposed to be considered as their joint attack on the Russian Federation,” Putin said.


12:23 PM · Sep 25, 2024


A Russian media outlet published a video this week of the potential devastation of a nuclear bomb exploding over London.  Coincidence?

Are there any cooler heads in Washington who might want to avoid a nuclear war?

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