Trump’s Virtues

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From an author whose name I have forgotten.  Below find a small number of the many reasons that Trump is the right choice for America at this time.

Trump was born for the current crisis: the life and death struggle against the totalitarian enemy I call “woke communism.” The “woke comms” clench the Democratic party by the scruff of its neck. They tell us lies and silence those who challenge the lies.

Like most totalitarian regimes, they have a scapegoat (white males), a narrative (America is systemically racist) and a utopian vision of society where there are equal outcomes for all preferred identity groups in every area of human life. The woke comms control all the cultural, and economic centers of power in the country from where they ruthlessly push their agenda.

That agenda rests on the conviction that America is thoroughly bad (systemically racist) and must be destroyed. As Trump once said, “their goal is not a better America, their goal is the end of America.” Make no mistake, we are in the midst of a cold civil war.

Trump awakened the public to this fact. You cannot win a war unless you know you are in one.

Can there be any doubt about this?  The COVID “pandemic” let them silence anyone who brought science out into the sunlight.  The government agencies responsible for healthcare were clearly in bed with Big Pharma. There was a ton of money to be made off the suffering of the American people.  Cheap, common-sense cures needed to be memory-holed so Big Pharma could make their money.

The J6 “insurrection” was another clear and present danger to the country.  Only it was not the threat that the Communists Democrats and some elite Republicans were pushing.  There was no insurrection.  A mostly peaceful but rowdy protest was transformed into a mid-altering event.  The Dems used J6 to censor free speech in this country.

Trump critics say he caused or exacerbated the divide in this country. No, he did not. He revealed—not caused–the divide.

In war you must make a stand. For that we need strong men. Weak men do anything to avoid admitting the hardest truths because they lack the resolve to do what truth demands from them. Trump is a manly man. In present times, when manhood is being stripped of its masculinity, traditional manhood, even when flawed, has much appeal.

Trump plays to win. When you’re in the right, you have a moral duty, not to just to fight but to win… and sometimes that means doing distasteful things. There are no clean hands in a fist fight.

Trump could have departed the political scene after his “loss” in 2020.  If he had, he would not have been prosecuted by anybody.  The indictments by Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, Fani Wiilis and Latetia James would not have happened.  The continuance of these cases in light of the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity is a travesty of the justice system.  All of these people should be disbarred.

If there is one thing that the American people know about Donald Trump is that he, unlike the woke comms, loves America and wishes to preserve it. Trump is unreservedly, unquestionably pro- American. He makes no apologies for America’s past. Trump is a refreshing break from the guilt and self-loathing that mark our age.

The America Trump wants to recover is the America of his youth. Not out of nostalgia, but because this was an America guided by relentless optimism and supported by grit and determination. An America which had done great things in the past and was eager to do more. An America properly confident in itself.

Trump is still confident in America. In this time of national doubt this too is just what the doctor ordered. Trump thinks America can vanquish all comers if we just put our mind to it and he is right. Trump has the courage to defend his own people–a large, and impressive, political fact. Courage never demands perfection.

PDJT has stood up for all Americans every time.  Trump is proud to be an American just as I am.  He recognizes America’s faults and the fact that Americans have steadily corrected those faults and have demonstrated to the world over and over America’s exceptionalism.

This is just the opposite of the Obama’s who were ashamed of our country.  Barack Obama tried to sell the idea that America was not exceptional.  This has continued during Obama’s third term.  The current administration has consistently tried to suppress our God-given rights of free speech, the free exercise of religion and the freedom to associate with anyone we want to associate with.

November 5th is a choice between liberty or communism.

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