NYC Mayor Indicted

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New York City Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted on criminal charges in federal court in Manhattan.

federal indictment charging New York City Mayor Eric Adams was unsealed Thursday morning, hours after FBI raided his Gracie Mansion residence and seized his phone.

The 57-page indictment accuses Adams of five criminal counts related to obtaining illegal donations for his 2021 mayoral campaign, and accepting free luxury travel dating as back as far as 2016, when he was Brooklyn borough president.

One of the items in the indictment accuses Adams of accepting well over $100,000 in foreign travel benefits and illegal campaign donations.

“Public office is a privilege,” said Manhattan U.S. Attorney Damien Williams at a news conference detailing the charges.

“We allege that Mayor Adams abused that privilege and broke the law — laws that are designed to ensure that officials like him serve the people, not the highest bidder, not a foreign bidder, and certainly not a foreign power.  These are bright red lines, and we allege that the mayor crossed them again and again for years.”

Now whether or not Adams is actually guilty of committing any crimes or of even considering to do what is alleged is not something that the public will ever know.  The ability of the Feds to manufacture charges has been proven multiple times just with PDJT alone.  This ignores the charges that were manufactured against the peaceful J6 protesters and which have kept some J6ers in jail “awaiting trial” for years.

Did Adams cross a bright red line?  Absolutely!  Adams has been quite vocal about the awful position that the current administration has put big city mayors like him in.  This pertains the open borders policies that have inundated our cities and towns with illegals.  Opposing the administration’s policies was the red line Adams crossed.

This brings us to the role of the FBI/DOJ within our current government structure.  Sundance has done the world a great service by detailing just what the FBI’s mission is.

Sundance notes:

Let’s start with a simple question: How is it the FBI can botch so many openly problematic investigative issues like terrorist attacks, and yet simultaneously spend so much time investigating issues that seemingly have little or no value?

In essence, how does the FBI miss so much, yet have time for things that seem openly political?

The answer to that question took a long time to understand, it’s much more than just institutional corruption.

The FBI as an institution has a modern operational mission that is different from what is commonly thought to exist.  The reality of the modern FBI mission consists of prioritizing their work based on the interests of Washington DC, and ONLY the interests of Washington DC.


The FBI is a totally siloed organization dedicated to maintaining the current government structure in Washington (“continuance of government”).  If an issue is not a threat to DC interests, that threat is not investigated.

From Sundance:

The FBI misses terrorist threats, because the FBI -as a totally siloed agency- is not informed of the threat from DC.  If a citizen, group, or outside agency reports a potential risk, it is not investigated.  This surfaces in everything from the Boston Marathon bombers to the Parkland shooter, to U.S. gymnasts being sexually assaulted.   

One could come up with many other examples.  Perhaps the most glaring is the persecution of J6ers.  DC could not afford to have people unmasking what happened that day.  So, the totality of the FBI was devoted to tracking down people from all across the country and throwing them in jail.  For what?  Peacefully protesting the fraudulent election of 2020.

Such activity threatened the very power structure in Washington.  The FBI was mobilized to suppress free speech.  The FBI has become an internal agency that protects the DC system.

This is completely screwed up.  Major threats to domestic tranquility are ignored UNLESS such threat would upset political operations in Washington as defined by the Deep State.  This is why whistleblowers who come out against the obvious corruption in DC become targets.

From Sundance:

If a person brings a federal corruption issue to the FBI (like evidence of corrupt activity), they will end up being a target of the FBI because the evidence itself is likely adverse to one or more interests within DC.   There are many reference examples, but two you will likely know are James O’Keefe (Ashley Biden diary) and/or voter fraud (writ large, with Michigan as a great example).

Because the Biden Diary threatened the DC government interest, O’Keefe quickly became a target.  Because voter fraud in Michigan threatened the DC government interest, the FBI stepped in to cover it up.  You can say the same for the Awan brothers, the Huma Abedin laptop, the Clinton classified emails and many more.

As Alan Dershowitz notes, Three Felonies A Day by Harvey Silvergate reveals how federal criminal laws have become dangerously disconnected from the English common law tradition and how prosecutors can pin arguable federal crimes on any one of us, for even the most seemingly innocuous behavior.  Not only innocuous behavior, but behavior that most people would find to be exemplary, that is, exposing corruption.


The FBI is not a federal investigative agency with a mission to serve and protect the people of the United States.  The FBI is a federal investigative agency with a mission to protect the institutional interests of Washington DC.  Once you understand this process with clarity then everything the FBI does and does not investigate, makes sense.

This operational mission of the FBI explains why when a citizen brings an issue to the FBI, the citizen is more than likely going to end up as a target.  This reality is key to understanding the disparity between what people perceive as the FBI mission, and what the ACTUAL mission is.

This is crucial to understanding how the FBI and Main Justice operate.  Once you install this understanding, then the efforts of various activities of the FBI become crystal clear.  The FBI could track down hundreds of people across the country who peacefully protested on January 6th.  However, they were unable to locate any evidence of who set the two pipe bombs, one at the RNC and the other at the DNC.

The pipe bombs were a backup plan to stop the election certification process.  Everyone in Washington knew that the results in multiple states were going to be challenged.  While the challenges were unlikely to succeed, the exposing of the various methods of fraud would have started then.  DC could not afford to have that happen.

The failure to go after Ray Epps who literally was trying to incite an insurrection is another example of Main Justice and the FBI protecting their J6 operation.  It was only after multiple videos surfaced showing his actions and the public outcry had reached a crescendo that Epps was brought in.  And, of course, Epps skated.


Once you take this context and apply it to examples you can reference, then suddenly everything the FBI does and does not do, makes sense.  Every contradiction, and I do mean each example that might be pulled into the conversation as a reference point, makes sense from the reality of this perspective.  The raid on Mar-a-Lago and the targeting of President Trump is another brutally obvious example.

On Wednesday, Marcus Allen, a former FBI staff operations specialist, confirmed all of the above.

On Wednesday, Marcus Allen, a former FBI staff operations specialist, confirmed all of the above.  Allen testified under oath in Congress how the FBI targets and persecutes anyone inside the institution who does not align with the institutional mission of domination over the American public.  Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz appeared alongside Allen.  Horowitz confirmed Allen’s testimony.  Having an IG confirm a witness’s testimony is unprecedented.

When PDJT wins in November, a lot of thought must go into how to change this.  Removal of the FBI is certainly one option.  However, to do so will require an enormous amount of education of the public to accomplish this.

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