More Wokeness         

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Clara Jeffery is editor of Mother Jones, a long-running left-wing magazine. On a recent Alaska Airlines flight, upon arrival on the ground in San Francisco, the flight attendant evidently wished passengers a “blessed” night.  How would you have responded to such a statement?

Most of us would have probably nodded our heads, perhaps thanked the flight attendant and then gone about our business.

However, Clara Jeffery is not most people.  Jeffrey is a far-left extremist who sees evil and oppression everywhere to the right of her.  Apparently, this greeting triggered Jeffrey into paroxysms of rage.  And Jeffrey was not about to let such obvious speech violence stand.

Some leftwing liberals tried to explain to her that she was being unreasonable to an expression of good will.  Of course, being far left and absolutely convinced of her moral superiority, Jeffrey wasn’t buying it and remained adamant that this was an unacceptable way to speak to a group of people.

Way off Alaska Air’s brand?  A matter of respect?  Clara Jeffrey is the dominant culture.  People who think and act like her dominate almost every institution in America.  They literally hate people who believe in Christianity and the fundamental freedoms of our country.

Go to any Harris/Walz rally with a Trump tee shirt on and see what happens.  Hate speech will fill the air.  They will try to make it as uncomfortable as possible for you.  Physical assault is not out of the question.  Heaven forbid that they should engage you in dialogue.  Their very lives might be in danger. (sarc)

Jeffrey’s right about one thing: dominant cultures like the one she belongs to sure as heck do “feel they have a right to enforce their norms and intents,” given that we have to put up with her BS 24 hours a day.  This is just another in a long line of attacks on people who believe in freedom for all, who believe in Christianity.

Barack Obama tried to push freedom of religion to being something that one exercised inside the church of your choice on Sunday.  Obama tried hard to change people’s view of religious freedom into something that should not exist in the public square.

Obama was wrong just as Jeffrey is wrong.  Harris supports these attempts at ending religious freedom.

People of true Christian upbringing and true patriots respect the right of people to freedom of expression.  Hopefully the right person will become President and begin to unravel this web that has been spun against those who believe in freedom and in Christianity.  Clearly there is a lot of hard work ahead.

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