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On Sunday, SpaceX launched its fifth test flight of its Starship rocket.  Of course, it is not remarkable at this point in time that a private company can launch rockets.  SpaceX has been breaking norms for some time.  What is remarkable about this particular test flight was the return of the booster rocket to its launch pad.

SpaceX returned Starship’s huge first-stage booster, known as Super Heavy, directly to its launch mount, catching it with the “chopstick” arms of the launch tower in a bold and unprecedented maneuver.

This is one of the most incredible things I have ever seen.  It’s like bringing the bullet back inside the barrel of the gun that fired it.  This is like science fiction.  According to Elon Musk, the Starship first-stage booster weighs 250 tons.  The launch apparatus just caught it when it returned.

This what can happen when you hire engineers based on talent and not DEI optics.  This what can happen when you promote people based on achievement and not some absurd requirement that has nothing to do with quality work.

To rephrase Mr. Miyagi of the Karate Kid, “Man who catch rocket with chopsticks can do anything.”

Now let your imagination run wild for a few moments.  Imagine a government with PDJT at the top and Elon Musk as a trusted advisor on how to reform and reduce the federal government.  Keep in mind that the government that produces very little that is useful for American citizens consumes 30% of the GDP.

What would happen to our economy if more of the GDP was promoted to useful activities?  I am certain that Musk knows this and would push very hard for reforms.

This is inspiring.  We just saw something that most people would have thought was impossible just a few years ago.  This is American exceptionalism at its best.  It feels like morning in America again.

God bless America!

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