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Questions that need to be addressed as the election approaches.  In answering these questions, it is useful to keep in mind that Biden and Harris were linked at the hip in the policies that the current administration implemented.

A short list.

Was the Afghanistan withdrawal a disaster?

Was the world more peaceful when PDJT was in office?

Were Biden/Harris in collusion with Russia and Iran when they raised the prices of oil products by ending drilling in America?

Have the open border policies of Biden-Harris contributed to the steep rise in violent crime in this country?

How many terrorists and criminals have Biden-Harris allowed across our borders?

How many jobs in the last year have gone to illegal aliens over Americans?

How much harm has been caused to the poor and middle classes by the Biden-Harris inflation?

What happened to the rapidly growing economy that was handed off to the Biden-Harris administration?

Why are Democrats destroying women’s and girls’ sports?

Why was the DOJ weaponized against Catholics who believe in the Latin Mass?

Why did the DOJ sue the State of Virginia for trying to remove non-citizens from its voter rolls?

Why do the Democrats want little children to read pornographic material in school?

Why did real wages rise quickly during PDJT’s term and decline during the current administration?

How many Antifa terrorists did Harris bail out during the summer of 2020?

If Harris-Biden are bringing down prescription drug prices for seniors, why have Medicare premiums for the Part D Prescription drug plans gone up 57%?

Why has access to such plans been halved during this administration?

The nationalization of healthcare through Obamacare has caused premiums to skyrocket.  Why haven’t Biden-Harris done anything about that?

During this administration, why has human trafficking become one of the country’s fastest growing businesses?

Again, this is just a short list.

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