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The Communist Democratic Party is saying the quiet part out loud now.  The Democrats are antagonistic towards those who believe in traditional Christian values.  Such people are Bible-toting deplorables who should not be seen with or heard by the “normals.”

On Thursday, Kamala Harris and her supporters openly mocked a Christian attendee at a rally in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Kamala skipped the Al Smith Charity Dinner, a major Christian event in New York.  I suppose Harris realizes that some of her policy positions do not sit well with true Christians.  And the give-and-take banter of such events is certainly not one of her strong suits.  I am sure that her handlers wanted to keep Harris as far away as possible from such a setting.

In La Crosse, Harris gave a speech that focused on promoting abortion.  In her speech, she blamed Trump for the end of Roe v Wade.

“We remember Donald Trump hand-selected three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Roe v. Wade, and they did as he intended.”

I am not sure that was what PDJT intended.  Trump was pro-choice at one point and even now agrees that certain exceptions are necessary.  Trump was looking for justices who would interpret the laws within the framework of our Constitution.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a brilliant justice of the liberal persuasion, had said that Roe v Wade was a bad decision.  Many legal experts compared it to the atrocious decision in Plessy v Ferguson which gave America the segregation that divided this country for so many years.  It took almost 60 years to undo that travesty.  Roe v Wade was fixed a little quicker, just under 50 years.

Abortion is the only issue that has any traction at all for the Democrats.  The mental gymnastics needed to get there are impressive.  Almost everyone would be horrified if a woman threw her baby out of the house.  Almost no one would accept a woman throwing a baby out of a car.  And throwing a baby out of a boat to drown in a lake or ocean is beyond the pale.  However, killing the baby because it is inconvenient is ok.

While Harris was promoting abortion, some brave soul stood up and said, ”Jesus is Lord!”  Harris’ reply is typical of those on the Left who deride anyone who believes in Jesus Christ.

“You guys are at the wrong rally,” Harris sneered, followed by a biting, “I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street.”  Rally attendees laughed and cheered this response.

Apparently the supposed “big tent” of the Democratic Party does not include those who believe in Jesus Christ as their savior.  Harris just told ALL Christians that they need to go “down the street.” This is exactly the same as Obama’s “you can get on the bus, but you have to ride in the back”, “bitter clingers to their religion and guns”.

If elected, Christians can expect to see their rights to the free expression of religion going down the toilet.

So, in addition to being anti-American, it is clear that Obama’s Democrats are also anti-Christian.

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