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Much has been made of the so-called gender gap in the preferences of the different sexes for the current candidates running for President.  According to polling, women favor Kamala Harris at a much higher rate than men do.  This is stunning when one considers that the Democrats consider women to be second class citizens.

How can any self-respecting woman work for the success of the Democratic Party?  This administration has systematically worked to end women’s sports by decreeing the men suffering from a mental illness should be allowed to compete in women’s sports.  This has led to the elimination of opportunities for women all over the country to succeed and benefit from athletic scholarships to attend college.  This has reduced the opportunities for girls to benefit from the same athletic opportunities available to boys in defiance of Title IX.  Why do the Democrats and Kamala Harris support this?

In the Olympics in boxing two men were allowed to beat up on women to win a gold medal.  Numerous girls have suffered horrific injuries in competitive environments where men have been allowed to enter and compete.

There are differences between the sexes.  The Democrats are pretending otherwise.  Why do women support this pretending?

The physical differences between men and women after puberty kicks in are well known.  Body mass, musculature and lung capacity are significantly greater in the average male over the average female.  This translates into significant advantages in sports as well as other actiivities where physical prowess is an important component of what one does.

The current Democratic candidate for President is all in on promoting the mental illness of transgenderism.  During her 2019 run for President, Harris went on record as supporting surgeries as “gender-affirming care” for federal prisoners and immigrant detainees. This is clearly in line with her views on transgenderism, a mental illness.  To date Harris has not flipflopped on this issue.  As Harris would say, “Her values have not change.”  Why would women support Harris who would condemn them to second class status?

The hypocrisy of the Democrats in this arena is off the scale.  Now that a woman is their candidate, Democratic bigwigs like Barack Obama are extolling the idea of a woman being President and trying to shame men into voting for a woman just because she is a woman.  How does this jive with allowing men to destroy women’s sports?

How many women will vote for Kamala Harris just because she is a woman?  Hopefully more women are beginning to see through the smokescreen that the Democrats are throwing up.  The Democrats do not care about women except to use their reproductive parts to garner votes.

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