Russia Responds

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The West using Ukraine as its proxy is trying to widen the war with Russia before PDJT can assume office.  The O’Biden administration along with the UK and France all gave permission for Zelenskyy to fire longer range missiles into Russia.  Of course, it is NATO soldiers along with American spy satellites and NATO knowhow that are executing this plan.  So, there is now a hot war going on between Russia and the NATO countries.

Russia has responded to this escalation.  Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been jumping around and shouting about Russians firing an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) at a target in Ukraine.  That did not happen.  Any media outlet reporting such is trying to deceive the public.

What Russia did do was send a message.  Russia fired a multi-warhead intermediate range hypersonic missile at a military target in Dnipro, Ukraine.  Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a televised address, said Moscow struck with a new ballistic missile known as “Oreshnik” (the hazel) and warned that more could follow.  Western intelligence agencies estimate that Russia could have some 30-40 such weapons in its arsenal.

The message that Russia is sending is clear.  With this “new” weapons system, they are capable of reaching just about any target in Western Europe.  And it is clear that such a weapon could carry a nuclear device.  And there is no Iron Dome that could stop this.

The U.S, U.K and NATO war alliance, are desperate to provoke Putin into an expanded war prior to President-elect Donald Trump taking office.  The NATO members, sans Biden, previously met in Brussels after the U.S. election to organize a strategy that will make it difficult if not impossible for Trump to end the war.

These people are evil.  They care not for the people that they are putting in harm’s way.  They have filled the graveyards in Ukraine to overflowing.  The industrial war machine is attempting to defend itself against any peace effort.  Which country will be next as cannon fodder for the neocons who are fomenting this war?

Sundance over at CTH notes this:

The baseline for the continued need to avoid any cessation of hostilities in Ukraine, is financial.  Blackrock and JPMorgan have exclusive rights to the “rebuilding” of Ukraine, with access to all the resources therein.  Thus, there is an alignment of interests between Blackrock, JPMorgan, NATO, the U.S. State Dept. and the internal operatives of the Biden administration.

For this to happen, a nuclear war cannot happen.  Yet the world seems closer to a nuclear war than at any time in my lifetime.  If Russia believes that their existence as a country is threatened, then a nuclear war will be the result.

If a nuclear war starts, there is only one logical outcome.  If either country is attacked with nukes, then it has to let go all it has to destroy the other because there is no time to make any other decision.

This is why a nuclear exchange is a massive and immediate escalation by definition, and total annihilation.

The only other purely theoretical outcome would be First Strike Total Annihilation of the enemy – a virtual impossibility in the 21st century.  Submarines alone could independently annihilate all the enemy countries.

It’s madness to provoke a nuclear war but that is what the neocon idiots in the West seem intent on doing.