Preemptive Pardons

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The pardoning of Hunter Biden by his father was not unexpected even if everyone on the left side of the aisle had insisted that Joe Biden believed so much in the justice system in this country that he would never pardon his son.  This post is not going to get into the whys and wherefores of this activity by Joe Biden.  Regardless of whatever Hunter may have done, Joe Biden had the power to end the prosecutions, so he did.

However, the early pardon (done because Hunter was facing imminent jail time) has stirred the nest about just who else might receive a Get Out Of Jail Free card from Joe Biden.  The Democratic media and various Democratic politicians are beginning to build the narrative that people must be protected from baseless prosecutions by a rogue Trump Administration.  I wonder why they might be thinking along those lines.  However, I digress.

Biden’s staff and others inside the Democratic establishment are deeply concerned about a range of current and former officials and politicians who could find themselves facing inquiries and even indictments.  This sense of alarm has been exacerbated by the announcement of Kash Patel to lead the FBI. There is wide belief that Patek would return the FBI to its law enforcement mission.

The idea of handing out preemptive pardons to a wide range of people beggars the question of why this would be necessary.  Big Media is already being used to promote the idea this is necessary to “save democracy.”  Orange Man Bad would use the DOJ to persecute those who have disagreed with Trump and this extraordinary step is needed to protect “good people” from harm.

This idea of a revenge action by PDJT may be gaining some steam because of the amplification of remarks by addle brained Democrats such as Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts.

“I think that without question, Trump is going to try to act in a dictatorial way, in a fascistic way, in a revengeful [way his] first year … towards individuals who he believes harmed him.”

Then there is Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-PA):

Just who would need a pardon?  One must be reminded of just how deep the rot is in Washington.  Would St. Anthony Fauci be on the list?  St. Anthony worked tirelessly for the American people to receive the best in vaccine care.  Was it really his fault that 600,000+ Americans died from the side effects of his vaccines?  Is this why they are talking about crimes against humanity?

What about serial liar Adam Schiff?  Did he violate his oath of office?  Did he mishandle classified information?

Then there is Liz Cheney.  What kind of dirt is on her hands?

Of course, the narrative will be that these are completely innocent people who need protection from the ravages from the herds of Visigoths that rampaging over the hills of Virginia toward the swamp in Washington.

The truth here is that, if the administration goes this route, it is an obvious admission of guilt.  They will have ripped the “we are as pure as snow” mask off.  It will be difficult for the media to spin this into something else.

These pardons would only cover federal crimes.  If they go this route, perhaps some State AG’s could go after anyone suspected of crimes against humanity.

One final question:  How many other members of the Biden crime family will be pardoned?