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It is early in the investigation cycle for the dual acts of terrorism that took place on New Year’s Day.  However, they appear to be a targeted attack against the incoming presidency of Donald J Trump.

In Las Vegas, a Tesla Cyber Truck (Elon Musk) was used to attack the Trump Hotel.  It is hard to see any other message here other than violent opposition to transferring power to Trump as President.  CommunistsDemocrats do not peacefully transfer power.

Among other things, the Clinton administration vandalized equipment in the White House when Bush 43 came into power.  The Obama administration weaponized various agencies of the government against the incoming presidency of Trump 45.  Why would this transfer of power be any different?

The New Orleans attack where the death count now stands at 15, targets the Speaker of the House and, by extension, PDJT.  Mike Johnson’s home state is Louisiana.  Is this a message to him to stop the certification of the Electoral College vote?  What to make of the ISIS flag that was flying from the bed of the truck?

Why was the Sugar Bowl delayed a day?  Did the bombs that were found on the bed of the truck in New Orleans have anything to do with postponing the game?  Rumors abound that some 4-5 other individuals may have been part of the attack on New Orleans.

These two attacks have been linked through the use of improvised explosives as well as the renting of the vehicles used through the same app Turo.  Turo is a vehicle-sharing app that lets vehicle owners rent out their vehicles.  The corollary would be to Airbnb for homes.

We are at war.

How many military-age men have been released into the country with no vetting?  Allegedly 1000’s of ISIS fighters have been let into the country.  The Mexican drug cartels are in the target zone.  They do commit acts of terrorism to further their goals.  Let’s be reminded that the fentanyl operation that is destroying countless lives in this country is coming in through those cartels who are receiving their product from China.  And let’s not forget about the problems in the Middle East and Iran.  Violent illegal alien gangs have taken over sections of our cities out West.

The point here is that there is no shortage of suspects with motive, means and opportunity.  Violent illegal aliens, radicalized naturalized citizens, Antifa foot soldiers.  It makes no difference to those who have perished.

Are these attacks going to be the framework for “enhancing” security and surveillance of everyday Americans?  Will there be an AI version of the Patriot Act?

Will the New Orleans individual’s affiliation with ISIS be used as an excuse to target Iran?  Let’s be reminded of the CIA’s involvement with ISIS years ago.

Breaking News:  It is being reported that there has been a mass shooting in at a Queens, NYC nightclub.  At least 11 people have been injured.  Is there a connection to these other two events?  Are we just seeing the beginning of a reign of terror in the country?