Trump & Dr. King

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In a twist of fate, PDJT’s inauguration this time fell on the day designated by the Federal Government (3rdMonday in January) to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  And this is perhaps the most significant coincidence in this nation’s history in a long time.

Dr. King was not just someone who championed the blacks who were at a disadvantage in America.  A few weeks before his death in 1968, Dr. King spoke about the “other America” to a union group in New York.

King condemned the structural nature of poverty, saying “this country has socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor.” I am not sure that I would put it that way but he was referring to the societal and systemic factors that contribute to the perpetuation of poverty.   It was not just racial discrimination.  This included barriers to advancement that existed in America.  It was this profound frustration that compelled him to call for a racially unified movement to fight against poverty in America.

Was King assassinated because he represented a threat to the wealthiest classes in America because he could not be controlled by the political elites?  Certainly, launching a multiracial coalition demanding economic opportunity for all could be seen as a threat to those in the wealthiest class.

From the end of the Second World War until Dr. King’s death in 1968, the poverty rate in America steadily declined. After this there was little change in the poverty rate until Barack Obama came into the office of the Presidency.  This was despite trillions upon trillions of dollars that were spent on welfare and social safety nets.

Obama was presented as someone who would lift the black community out of the structural poverty that they found themselves in.  Did that happen?  Obviously the answer is no.  In fact, the poverty rate actually began to nudge upward during Obama’s time in office.  This was a direct effect of his Marxist policies.

Then along came PDJT.  And everyone benefitted from an economy that was lifting all boats.  And the ones who were benefitting the most were those at the lower end of the wage scale.

This could not be allowed to continue.  People who are not dependent on the government are much harder to control.  The result was the “COVID pandemic” to lock people in their homes, followed by the stealing of the 2020 election.

The last four years have been a national nightmare.  More and more people are living paycheck to paycheck.  The poverty rate has been rising.  More people are homeless.  The crime rate has risen dramatically as the public watched one system of justice for the elites and those who agree with them and a different system of justice for those who disagree with the political elites.

The answer to ending this nightmare is Donald J Trump.  The elites could not allow him to gain power again.  They threw everything at him.  Over 90 bogus charges were laid on him in an attempt to discredit him with the American public.  A star chamber conviction was actually obtained in New York City, which has become a bastion of far-left lunacy.

Just as with Dr. King who spent time unjustly in Jail, none of this moved the meter.  The public saw through the charade going on.  If anything, the attempts at lawfare by the political elites actually strengthened Trump’s bonds with the common man.

Then, just as with Dr. King, there were attempts to take PDJT out via assassination.  First, in Butler, Pennsylvania and then at Mar-a-Lago.  However, God intervened.  Trump turned his head at just the right moment and was only grazed by the Pennsylvania shooter.

Just as with Dr. King, Trump fights for all Americans.  PDJT represents the blacks, the whites, the Asians and any other category you may want to bring up.  So, it seems appropriate that PDJT, who is trying to help all Americans, should be inaugurated on the holiday of a man who tried to do the same thing 60+ years ago.

May God help and strengthen this man in his endeavors.