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Pardons seem to be one hill that the Communists Democrats have decided is their way back into relevance with the American public.  It is an item that keeps coming up in interviews with Trump administration people.  Margaret Brennan tried to use the blanket pardon of J6ers as an example of PDJT and VP JD Vance lying to the American public during the campaign.  Brennan was hoping to score points against Vance via Trump’s pardoning of all J6ers.

Before we get into Vance’s reply, let’s be reminded that it is a bedrock principle of American jurisprudence that all accused are entitled to fair trial.  It does not matter how heinous the alleged crime might have been.  Entrenched in this idea is the fact that there are rock solid protocols to be followed by the prosecution.  This is all part and parcel of the rule of law.

Merrick Garland’s DOJ abandoned these protocols.  The DOJ denied constitutional protections in these cases.  And it was not just one or two cases.  It was all of them.

Vance noted:

And the thing that came out of it, Margaret, is that there was a massive denial of due process of liberty, and a lot of people were denied their constitutional rights. The president believes that. I believe that, and I think he made the right decision.”

Brennan brought up violence against police officers.  Vance responded:

“Violence against a police officer is not justified. But that doesn’t mean that you should have Merrick Garland’s weaponized Department of Justice expose you to incredibly unfair process, to denial of constitutional rights, and frankly, to a double standard that was not applied to many people, including, of course, the Black Lives Ma- Matter rioters who killed over two dozen people and never had the weight of a weaponized Department of Justice come against them. The pardon power is not just for people who are angels or people who are perfect. And of course, we love our law enforcement and want people to be peaceful, with everybody, but especially with our good cops. That’s a separate issue from what Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice did. We rectified a wrong, and I stand by it.”

What happened to the J6ers was an institutional lynching.  People pled guilty to felonies that they did not commit because it became obvious that no J6er had a chance in the corrupt courtrooms in DC.  The incarceration was on a level with what Germany did to the Jews during the Hitler era.  To allow the plea bargains and convictions to stand would have been a gross miscarriage of the rule of law.

Did some individuals who were actually guilty of felonies go free?  That is undoubtedly true.  However, everyone deserves a fair shake in the courtroom.  Few if any got it during the J6 inquisition.

Lindsay Graham (R-SC) went on “Meet The Press” to demonstrate either how ignorant he is or just how compromised he is.  Graham said, “I fear that you will get more violence.  Pardoning the people who went into the Capitol and beat up a police officer violently I think it was a mistake.”

As Jack Cashill noted:

In so saying, Graham, like so many pundits on the Right, showed how little he knows about what transpired on January 6, 2021, and during the four years afterward. In truth, the one thing all J6ers have in common, including the allegedly violent ones, is that they had no more chance at securing justice in Joe Biden’s D.C. than the Scottsboro Boys had in Jim Crow Alabama.

Cashill went on to note:

Those who say Trump should have proceeded on a case-by-case fail to understand that nothing was what it appeared on January 6, that almost every case was corrupted, that some of our best citizens were deemed our worst. Until they get their facts straight, our friends in D.C. are better off saying nothing at all


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