Courtesy of the Gipper
“In the natural, roller coaster rides have TWISTS and TURNS and DRAMATIC UPS and DOWNS. These rides provide a few minutes of HEART-POUNDING, FAST-MOVING ADVENTURE. Some will find roller coaster rides EXHILARATING and some will find them TERRIFYING. I AM letting you know that your world is about to be taken on a SHOCKING ROLLER COASTER RIDE. The darkness has a roller coaster ride of TERROR and DESTRUCTION planned. They are DESPERATE to STOP the unfolding EXPOSURES of who they are and of what they have done. I AM going to take their ROLLER COASTER PLANS and TURN them to the ADVANTAGE of the Light. The evil schemers do not know that I have DISABLED the most destructive parts of this ROLLER COASTER RIDE. Instead of twists and turns being DEADLY, I have INSERTED SHOCKING TWISTS of DISCLOSURES and SURPRISING TURNS that will bring JUDGMENT and JUSTICE to those partnered with darkness.
DO NOT FEAR this WILD ROLLER COASTER RIDE because you will be KEPT SAFE—My strong right arm is your SAFETY BELT. This SHOCKING ROLLER COASTER RIDE will result in the world WAKING UP to the DANGEROUS darkness and CHOOSING to come to the Light. Let this ENCOURAGE you: ROLLER COASTER RIDES ARE SHORT. What looks like the PEAK of DANGER in this ride will quickly DESCEND to SAFETY and a GOOD destination. A SHORT TIME of GREAT INSTABILITY will result in the MOST STABLE time of JUSTICE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and PEACE that your world has ever known. HANG ON for the RIDE of your LIFE!”
Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal
Fear not!
Rest in the Vine: The Last Gasp of the New Evil Empire; Forever Lives the King of Glory!