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Despite being under the weather (it appears that I have a case of the flu), I awaken each day now to see which leftist woke bobblehead is going to explode over the return of this country to its foundational roots.  PDJT and his administration have hit the ground running.  And running is understating the case by several orders of magnitude.  They are a flash flood cascading through the halls of DC.

By the time the Democrats are ready to respond to one “crisis,” the next wave hits and the Trump administration has issued multiple, additional Executive Orders.  As Politico puts it, “Congressional Democrats seem flummoxed by the pace, responding to crises from three news cycles ago while new ones keep arising in real time.”  While some Republicans have remained silent, many congressional Republicans have applauded Trump for sending shock waves through the federal government.

Disgraced former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe appeared on CNN to discuss the “utter disarray” as Trump administration officials enter and engage the “protected institutions” from every vulnerable position.

“I’ve talked to more FBI people in the last 4 days than I did in the prior 4 years.  It is a place in utter disarray right now. People are worried about how am I going to pay the bills? How am I gonna support my family?  If you get fired, you’re done. That’s the end of your reputation, your ability to get any job, you lose your pay, you lose your chance at a pension, you lose your health insurance.  This is a moment of terror for these people.”

These statements are coming from a man who was part of the executive oversight of the FBI that weaponized the NSA database to target the political opposition.  Will no one ask this man the most obvious question, that being, why did the FBI higher-ups order such unlawful activities?

So, “This is a moment of terror for these people”???  Who put these people in this position?  To weep for these creatures after the ruin and blatantly lawless pogroms they’ve deliberately conducted against American citizens peacefully protesting?  How many American citizens committed suicide as a result of the unlawful actions of this FBI?  Did Andrew McCabe care one iota about how J6 Lawfare victims’ families were going to pay their bills or support their families?

Is it time to dismantle this hopelessly corrupt 3-letter institution and punish the perpetrators to the full extent of the law?

Of course, the FBI is part of a weaponized DOJ and the FBI acted as their investigative units.  When one hoax began to unravel (say Russia, Russia, Russia) that “evidence” was rolled into a different investigation (Special Counsel Mueller) to conceal the malicious nature of what was going on.  This was repeated over and over.  Just how much dismantling is needed?

At this point I am certain we will see much more corruption exposed.  Of course, there will be lawsuits. However, lawsuits are a two-edged sword.  Lawsuits allow for discovery.  Does the Left really want to engage in that activity?  Just how much more corruption would get exposed to sunlight if that happens?  And some of the bigger law firms that were reluctant to take on Trump cases in the past are now getting in line for a crack at these cases as they appear.