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The USAID story is running wild through the streets of DC.  The politicians screaming the loudest about Musk and “his boys” rummaging through the payments are probably those who were benefitting either directly or indirectly from these payments.  USAID has been exposed as a giant slush fund for leftist causes.

For those of us who have watched the geopolitical landscape long enough were aware of how USAID and the CIA were connected in operations overseas.  Just in the last decade or so, they have been involved in a raft of uprisings across the world.  There was the Arab Spring in Libya.  Then the Maiden Coup in Ukraine which replaced a popular President with one more amenable to US interests.

There was the attempt to overthrow Victor Orban in Hungary because he would not kowtow to western demands.  More recently there was the overturning of the outcome of the Romanian elections.  This came about when the CIA and MI6 presented “evidence” that the winning candidate campaign on TikTok had been financed by an influence campaign from Russia.  No such thing was actually true but they convinced judges in the Romanian Supreme Court that it had happened.

There was Emmanuel Macron in France losing badly in snap elections but somehow remaining in power.  There were the efforts in Moldova and Georgia (unsuccessful).

Now we are finding out that USAID was similarly involved in domestic influence operations.  There are receipts showing how USAID paid domestic political groups for activism, paid for media influence operations and generally did the same thing inside the United States that the CIA/USAID were doing outside the USA.

This has caused some Democrats to lose their minds.  One discovery on Wednesday by “the boys” alleged that Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former President Bill Clinton and twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, has allegedly received some $84 million in U.S. taxpayer funding.

In 2010, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton helped oversee $4.4 billion that Congress had earmarked for ‘recovery’ efforts in Haiti by USAID.  Haitians are still wondering where all the money went.

Then there is the media.  Musk noted on Wednesday on X that many media outlets were going to experience a sudden drop in revenue.  Let’s be reminded that all USAID grants have been paused.

While the NYTimes is highlighted in the post, Politico has apparently received somewhere between $27 and $32 million in USAID money during the Biden administration.

The BBC in Britain also received millions in taxpayer funds.

These payments have been stopped and will not happen going forward.

It is interesting to note that Politico had a “technical” problem with paying their staff on Tuesday.  Just a coincidence I’m sure.

USAID staff have been notified that they should return to the US by Friday as their jobs overseas have been ended.  The PDJT administration will review what functions within USAID to keep and those functions will be handled within the State Department.  It will align with foreign policy interests of this administration.

It will be a long time before the damage that has been propagated by this rogue organization can be undone.  Neutering those who thought they controlled US foreign policy is a start.