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There are legal definitions here that I will not get into between treason and sedition.  What I will talk about today is betrayal, betrayal of all that is the embodiment of what America is supposed to be by those political elites in DC and elsewhere for their own selfish interests.  While the media has had a significant role in this, my focus today will be on USAID and the revelations that continue to vomit forth from the examination of its payments over the years.

It has been confirmed what has long been suspected.  That is, USAID was the primary vehicle for engineering Deep State regime change in the form of “color revolutions” around the world.  This was touched on yesterday.  It turns out that USAID was doing the same thing domestically.   Nowhere is this more obvious than in the removal of Trump from the presidency.  Ironically, if Trump succeeds in draining the swamp now, it will be because he has come in with a mandate for fundamental change and has demonstrated an energy, a determination and a preparation that are awesome to behold.

Sundance over at CTH has laid the groundwork.

Big Picture Context for USAID Revelations – Are We Being Managed

After Sundance acknowledges USAID’s role overseas…

The fact that USAID was similarly involved in domestic influence operations, is now coming forth with receipts showing how USAID paid domestic political groups for activism, paid for media influence operations and generally did the same thing inside the United States that the CIA/USAID were doing outside the USA.

Some say that the Patriot Act gave the CIA the legal authority to engage domestic affairs under the auspices of national security.  I am not so sure about that and if that were common knowledge, I would think there would have been some uproar over that.

Mark Wauck, a retired FBI agent, had this observation.

To be honest, I’m not clear about the legal authority for CIA operations in domestic politics. That it has done so has long been clear, but that there is a legal authority for it isn’t so clear. On the other hand, based on Jen Dyer’s research, I did discuss repeatedly the MOU between the FBI and CIA that gave the CIA access to FBI records—something I would have reflexively thought was totally illegal. So I’ll accept that there is some legal authorization for—at the least—information sharing on a massive scale that was never thought legal before 9/11. Which of course opens the door on a practical level to abuses.

Wauck went on to speculate that no legal authority existed but that “…USAID was used as a cutout for the CIA, to launder the CIA’s engagement in domestic regime change behind USAID’s funding of domestic activities under pretexts that would have been illegal for the CIA to engage in openly.”

Sundance noted:

Domestically, the involvement of the CIA in the impeachment effort of President Donald Trump was always visible. Intel Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson changed the CIA whistleblower rules permitting a legal path for the CIA (Eric Ciaramella) to leak information about President Trump’s call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Former USDAG Mary McCord was the former boss of Atkinson and receiver of the information from NSC Vindman and CIA Ciaramella, within her new position as lead staff for Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler on the impeachment committee.

None of this is in question. We have always discussed it openly as we researched the network and outlined the data providing the receipts. The newer aspects are how the USAID silo was used to influence the media on the CIA’s impeachment operation. The bottom line doesn’t change; the impeachment of President Trump was a CIA operation. However, we here -and other intellectually honest research groups- always knew this.

This immediately leads to the obvious insight.  Was the Butler assassination attempt a CIA op?  How about the one at Mar-a-Lago where a Secret Service agent missed hitting the perpetrator when he was less than six feet away?

Then there is this gem from Michael Schellenberger.  Schellenberger has specifics related to the 2019 impeachment effort.  Let’s be reminded that the entire effort was a PR one.  The idea was to turn the public against PDJT so that Senators would have political cover if they voted to support the impeachment.  Despite Adam Schiff’s star chamber proceeding, that did not happen.

The whistleblower who triggered the impeachment was a CIA analyst who was first brought into the White House by the Obama administration.

Reporting by Drop Site News last year revealed that the CIA analyst relied on reporting by a supposedly independent investigative news organization called the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), which appears to have effectively operated as an arm of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which President Trump has just shut down. The CIA whistleblower complaint cited a long report by OCCRP four times.

The OCCRP report alleged that two Soviet-born Florida businessmen were “key hidden actors behind a plan” by Trump to investigate the Bidens. According to the story, those two businessmen connected Giuliani to two former Ukrainian prosecutors. The OCCRP story was crucial to the House Democrats’ impeachment claim, which is that Trump dispatched Giuliani as part of a coordinated effort to pressure a foreign country to interfere in the 2020 presidential election, which is why the whistleblower cited it four times.

In a 2024 documentary that German television broadcaster NDR made about OCCRP’s dependence on the US government, a USAID official confirmed that USAID approves OCCRP’s “annual work plan” and approves new hires of “key personnel.” NDR initiated and carried out the investigation with French investigative news organization Mediapart, Italian new group Il Fatto Quotidiano, Reporters United in Greece, and Drop Site News in the United States.

The journalistic collaboration revealed that OCCRP’s original funding came from the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs of the State Department, …

Without a doubt it appears that the CIA, USAID and OCCRP were acting in the same way that they would have for some country overseas where they wanted to change the leadership.  As Schellenberger notes the,“…difference is that it is highly illegal and even treasonous for CIA, USAID, and its contractors and intermediaries, known as “cut-outs,” to interfere in US politics this way.”

These people were not accountable to anyone.  They believed that they existed on some different plane from ordinary people and could do whatever they wanted to.   It is time for Pam Bondi to get an honest DOJ looking hard at what happened here.

1 thought on “Treason!

  1. David Fuentes

    UASID was a test run in other countries for what they tried to do here domestically. Do we really think all that money was used for what it was intended? Im grateful we have a president who is willing to show accountability and expose the fraud in our government, This is just the tip in the iceberg. Amen!

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