This is a long interview (over two hours) that touches on many topics that those of us have followed. Benz is no the best person at articulating issues. However, what he does reveal is a gold mine. Benz is caught between the need of the US to project “soft power” and the absolute evil that has manifested itself through agencies like USAID in doing so.
There is an index for when they talk about specific items. The entire interview is worthwhile even if Benz is sometimes difficult to listen to.
Mike Benz: “USAID is effectively a rent-a-riot operation. That raises questions about the Black Lives Matter protests.”
(0:00) The USAID Rabbit Hole Runs Deep
(5:29) Trump Is Performing Open Heart Surgery on the Country
(9:50) Is USAID Truly a Humanitarian Operation?
(19:41)…— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) February 8, 2025