Something different to start your weekend.
Carolyn Isbister was preparing for the worst. According to doctors, her 20oz baby had just minutes to live. Sadly, her heart was beating every ten seconds; she was lifeless.
“I didn’t want her to die being cold,” Carolyn says, “so I lifted her out of her blanket and put her against my skin to warm her up. Her feet were so cold. It was the only cuddle I was going to have with her, so I wanted to remember the moment.”
That’s when in happened. The skin to skin contact and warmth of her mother, jump started little Rachel’s heart. It started to beat correctly and short breaths were taken.
“We couldn’t believe it – and neither could the doctors. She let out a tiny cry. The doctors came in and said there was still no hope – but I wasn’t letting go of her. We had her blessed by the hospital chaplain, and waited for her to slip away. But she still hung on.”
Carolyn continued, “And then amazingly the pink color began to return to her cheeks. She literally was turning from gray to pink before our eyes, and she began to warm up too.
The sad part is that when the baby was born, doctors took one look at her and said ‘no’. They didn’t even try to help her with her breathing as they said it would just prolong her dying. Everyone just gave up on her.” Carolyn said.
“We were terrified we were going to lose her. I had suffered three miscarriages before, so we didn’t think there was much hope.” Carolyn noted.
The doctor added, “This is indeed a miracle baby and I have seen nothing like it in my 27 years of practice. I have not the slightest doubt that mother’s love saved her daughter.”
“Rachael did it all on her own – without any medical intervention or drugs. She had clung on to life – and it was all because of that cuddle.” said Carolyn.
Rachel left the hospital at 8lbs – the appropriate weight for any healthy baby.
“She is doing so well. When we brought her home, the doctors told us that she was a remarkable little girl. And most of all, she just loves her cuddles. She will sleep for hours, just curled into my chest. It was that first cuddle which saved her life – and I’m just so glad I trusted my instinct and picked her up when I did. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be here today.”