OBiden Genocide

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Genocide is going on in Syria.  Where are our mainstream media on this?  Why isn’t Big Media screaming this on a 24/7 news cycle?  At this point in time more than 7,000 people who do not adhere to Salafist Islam have been executed.  This is a direct result of the policies of Obama, Clinton, Bush 43 and the senile Joe Biden.  Complicit in this are those bobbleheads who cheered the end of the Assad regime.

Syria used to be a beautiful, secular country where being Syrian was more important than a difference in faith, where communities attending churches, synagogues and mosques lived as one.  Many Syrian Christians supported the Assad government and its Ba’athist secular ideology because it guaranteed religious freedom and it protected minorities.  Christians even held positions in the government, military and business sectors.

All of that is past history.  Inclusion and tolerance no longer exist in Syria.  Many videos have surfaced of the mass murders taking place in Syria.  Alawite and Christian Syrians plead for their lives while being dehumanized, ordered to crawl on all fours and bark like dogs to prepare for “dying like dogs.”

Many Alawites and Christians have fled to the forests in Syria and are now being burned out of there.  This is reminiscent of ISIS burning people alive during their brief rise to power.  This is not surprising since the current “President” of Syria was part of ISIS at one point.

What is the EU reaction to this genocide?  The EU has pledged €2.5 million to Syria, welcoming Syrian “Foreign Minister” Hassan al-Shaibani to Brussels as more details emerged on the massacres of Christians and Alawites.  They are doing this despite the fact that numerous videos have surfaced on social media showing HTS terrorists expressing genocidal intent towards the Alawite community.

How did this happen in Syria?  Who orchestrated the overthrow of the Assad government?

Much of the current disaster can be traced back to Hillary Clinton, who, as Secretary of State during the Obama administration, proposed arming Syrian rebels.  Some say that Obama rejected the plan but, in 2012, Obama, by presidential directive, explicitly called for the overthrow of Assad.

US tax dollars were funneled through different agencies including the CIA and the now infamous USAID to arm the extremists who now are committing genocide in Syria.  As Dennis Kucinich notes:

The American people were told a fairy tale that we were supporting freedom fighters against a dictator. What we actually accomplished was funding the terrorists who now murder Christians, massacre Alawite villages, and impose radical Islamic rule in areas they seize.

It was a reckless intervention, driven by a geopolitical obsession with weakening Iran and Russia. It has not only destroyed Syria but it has also created a breeding ground for global terrorism.

While the original plan Timber Sycamore was eliminated by PDJT, the intent of the program was continued under the OBiden administration.  The result is what we see today in Syria.  Syria is a failed state where murderous extremists are killing anyone whose religion or ideology they do not like.  These thugs are also deriving pleasure from doing so.

Dennis Kucinich asks why:

Why would America champion policies that lead to the killing of Christians, the destruction of churches, the massacre of Alawites and the rise of radical jihadists? Why did our leaders knowingly aid those who murdered the very people America claimed to want to protect?

The answer lies in a corrupt, immoral foreign policy dictated not by ethics, human rights, or even national security, but by the interests of the military-industrial complex and strategists who view human lives as pawns in a geopolitical chess game.

Now, with the fall of the Assad government to extremists, the nightmare that I and others warned about has become reality. The Syrian war, fueled by U.S. intervention and covert operations, has led to the very outcome that interventionists claimed they were trying to prevent—a bloodbath.

Americans want peace.  PDJT wants peace.  To get there we must confront the reality of what our own government has been doing.  This has happened over and over again.  It has been done to fill the pockets of a few.  The rest of us are mere chess pieces on a geopolitical game board.

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